Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Pro-Lifers Suing Pro-Abortion NY Governor

Pro-Lifers Suing Pro-Abortion NY Governor

by Rodney Pelletier  •  •  November 19, 2019   

Gov. Andrew Cuomo forcing pro-life organizations to employ abortion activists

ALBANY, NY. ( - Pro-life organizations are suing the pro-abortion New York governor for forcing pro-life organizations to hire abortion activists.
The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed a lawsuit on behalf of three pro-life organizations in an attempt to block Senate Bill 660 (SB 660, dubbed the "Boss Bill"), signed into law on Friday by New York's abortion activist governor, Andrew Cuomo.
Priests for Life president, Fr. Frank Pavone, told Church Militant, "This development in New York, of course, is not surprising. When one fails to recognize the fundamental right to life, it is easy to miss other rights as well."

The law forces all employers, including churches, religious schools, faith-based pregnancy care centers and religious nonprofits to employ abortion activists.
"Imagine what would happen if the government passed a law forcing People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to hire someone who hunts on the weekend," the ADF declares.
ADF Senior Counsel Ken Connelly slams the law, saying, "No government has the right to tell pro-life or religious organizations they must hire someone who doesn't agree with their core mission."
Connelly added:
New York is directly demeaning religious pro-life pregnancy centers and other faith-based organizations — like religious schools, Catholic hospitals, and even churches — by ordering them to violate their beliefs in key personnel and leadership decisions. The state is requiring our clients to contradict their convictions and undercut their freedom of association — requirements that are flatly unconstitutional.
The lawsuit slams SB 660, calling it a "transparent attempt to meddle in the affairs of religious and pro-life organizations." It points out that the law prohibits "organizations from requiring their employees to comply with their missions and beliefs on these contested subjects by having them assent to and/or sign off on the contents of, among other things, employment contracts, employee handbooks, statements of faith, positional statements, and codes of conduct."
It further maintains there is "no justification for the law," noting there is "not one documented instance of employment discrimination based upon employee reproductive health decisions in New York State, or anywhere else for that matter, despite the fact that one of the main sponsors of the legislation was expressly invited to bring such examples forth during floor debate."
In January, Cuomo signed the Reproductive Health Act (SB 240), one of the most pro-abortion bills in United States history into state law. The law, removing any restrictions on abortion, was greeted with a standing ovation by state lawmakers.
The abortion agenda of Planned Parenthood trumps the lives of the unborn, and anyone who disagrees will be forced to bow to the state’s orthodoxy by force of law.Tweet
In February, Cuomo pledged he would sign an executive order banning New York state agencies from doing business with companies which refuse services based on conscientious objection to homosexuality and so-called same-sex marriage.
Speaking to the homosexual interest group the Human Rights Campaign at its annual gala in New York City, Cuomo said, "I can tell you that any school that refuses to protect transgender students will not receive a penny of state money and then they are out of business," alluding to the Trump administration's rescinding President Obama's transgender bathroom mandate.
Despite Cuomo's unflagging advocacy for taxpayer-funded unlimited abortion for any reason, New York's Cdl. Timothy Dolan has refused to excommunicate him.
Connelly adds, "The abortion agenda of Planned Parenthood trumps the lives of the unborn, and anyone who disagrees will be forced to bow to the state’s orthodoxy by force of law."
"These strong arm tactics by the abortion industry are not a sign of their strength, but of their weakness," Pavone told Church Militant. "When you have to force people by law to accommodate abortion supporters, it is because they know society is moving away from their position." 
"Given recent jurisprudence, I am very confident that the petitioners in this lawsuit will prevail," he continued. "We at Priests For Life will certainly be working along with them to ensure not only legal victory, but victory in the public mindset as well."

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