Saturday, November 23, 2019

Repost : Catholics celebrate the feast of Christ the King

October 28, 2013

Catholics celebrate the feast of Christ the King

Catholics, the new people of God (Nostra Aetate 4) , the Chosen People, the people of the Eternal Covenant (Heb.8:16-13) yesterday gave praise and offering to God at the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass. It was the feast of Christ the King, King of the Universe, whose Social Kingship extends, as their ideal, to all moral, social and political laws.In the liturgy of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass yesterday , there were the Readings and hymns which exalted Christ as the King on earth, for those who love Him.
The Elect (John 3:5), those with 'faith and baptism'(Ad Gentes 7), in only the Catholic Church in which all  need to convert (AG 7), remembered at the Tridentine Rite Mass , the martyrs, the saints and those gone before us to the everlasting kingdom in Heaven.
In the Catholic Church, which is the pearl of great price, the treasure the man found and sold all he had to possess it (Mat. 13: 44-46), there were sermons on the Social Reign of Christ the King , which is being opposed by the forces of evil. It is opposed by the  secular , leftists and communists laws and the culture of death which leads  to eternal death in the kingdom of  Satan. These are the forces of lies and error who try to separate the kingdom of God from the Catholic Church.
It was within the Catholic Church that the great saints Francis of Assisi , Teresa of Avila and others renewed the kingdom of God within the Church, and also experienced the highest levels of the kingdom of God within themself,while remaining sons and daughters of the Church.
The Kingdom of God within oneself also cannot be separated from the Church. Today many New Agers , and others outside the visible limits of the Catholic Church, confuse the Kingdom of God with the kingdom of Satan. They do not know Christ the king and cannot find the kingdom of God in Transcendental Meditation, Buddhism, Yoga etc.
In the spiritual dimension there is only one King, who is Christ and all principalities, sovereignties and kingdoms must finally bow to Him.
 In Catholic mission, proclamation and evangelisation  we cannot separate the Kingdom of God from the Catholic Church, the Mystical Body (Col 1,1-8) of Christ the King.
Belonging to the Catholic Church and living without mortal sin is the only way in 2013 to go to the everlasting Kingdom of God.Mortal Sin separates us from the Kingdom of God and the Sacrament of Confession within the Church reunites us with the Kingdom.
 Image result for photo of social reign of christ the king
There is no other religion, which has the 'fullness of truth' which leads to the kingdom of God. The Church is that 'narrow gate' (Matt. 7:14). So for Catholics there cannot be a separation of Church and State. Politics and religion have been separated by leftist ideology. The enemies of the Church have prevented all laws having Christ and the Church at its center.
Even though they are opposed to the traditional teaching outside the church there is no salvation (AG 7, CCC 846, Mark.16:16) there is an obligation for all people to worship God in only the Catholic Church.This is the message of Dignitatis Humanae, Vatican Council II. Even though in a state with a secular Constitution there  is religious liberty to follow ones religion(DH) there is an obligation to follow the one, true Church to avoid Hell. DH is factual. In a state with a secular Constitution there is equal religious liberty for all. However Catholics can still recognize Christ  as King whose Social Reign must extend to all people.
Even though many choose to interpret Vatican Council II as a break with  Tradition, we can interpret the Council as traditional on the issues of other religions (AG 7,LG 14), ecumenism (AG 7,LG 14) and religious liberty (DH).
-Lionel Andrades

 Feast of Christ the King at the chapel of St.Catherine of Siena, Rome

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