Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Repost : Heresy is caused by directly not accepting a teaching of the Church which it is necessary to accept. However heresy is also caused if you mix up what is defacto as being dejure ( in principle), is you confuse what is hypothetical as being objective.

SEPTEMBER 28, 2016

Heresy is caused by directly not accepting a teaching of the Church which it is necessary to accept. However heresy is also caused if you mix up what is defacto as being dejure ( in principle), is you confuse what is hypothetical as being objective.

(1:04:16) Tim Staples begins to explain the hermenutic of continuity as being one of approach, a dogmatic or pastoral approach.
However if you interpret the baptism of desire as being visible or invisible, as known defacto or hypothetical, changes the heremeneutic of continuity. We have the hermeutic of rupture.
Heresy is caused by directly not accepting a teaching of the Church which it is necessary to accept. However heresy is also caused if you mix up what is defacto as being dejure ( in principle), is you confuse what is hypothetical as being objective.
So the baptism of desire becomes a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and so there is a change in a dogma of the Catholic Church.
So the Council with LG 16 (visible) creates a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
For me the LG 16 is invisible  and so there is a continuity with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
-Lionel Andrades

Image result for sacrilege photo

For a priest or pope to offer Holy Mass in public heresy without removing the scandal and a recantation is a Sacrilege.
Image result for sacrilege photo

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