Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Repost : In a secular state which allows freedom of religion there could be pro-Catholic political parties, supporting the faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church, and affirming in their manifesto the Social Reign of Christ the King

May 4, 2019

Repost : In a secular state which allows freedom of religion there could be pro-Catholic political parties, supporting the faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church, and affirming in their manifesto the Social Reign of Christ the King

May 23, 2018

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Cardinal Raymond Burke at the Voice of the Family Conference on May 18, affirmed the Social Reign of Christ the King over all areas of life.For me,theologically its foundation would be the exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church.
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For centuries the Catholic Church has taught that it alone has the superiority and exclusiviseness in salvation.So it is based on this truth, and not upon arms and a military, that Cardinal Burke would be affirming 'the great reality of the Kingship of Christ'.
So why was it not affirmed all these years and only now ? 
Today we know that Vatican Council II is not a rupture with the old exclusivist understanding of salvation.We now know that Lumen Gentium 8, Lumen Gentium 14, Lumen Gentium 16 etc are not explicit in 2018. So they cannot be references to objective exceptions to the past ecclesiology.They are not examples of known salvation outside the Catholic Church.

We also now know that the baptism of desire, the baptism of blood and invincible ignorance refer to hypothetical cases only.They are not personally known people saved in 2018  outside the Catholic Church.
So the liberal theologians can no more reject the traditional teaching on the Kingship of Christ by citing exceptions to traditional EENS in Vatican Council II. There are no known exceptions.This is a practical reality. There are no known examples of salvation outside the Church.This is something object and obvious.
So when there are no known exceptions to the traditional teaching on the Catholic Church having the superiority and exclusiveness in salvation, the Magisterium can once again affirm the Kingship of Christ. Cardinal Burke has proclaimed the Social Kingship of Christ the King over all areas of life, political, social, cultural, religious....
The Kingship of Christ by nature is universal and extends to all men and it is not limited to only the Church said Cardinal Raymond Burke. He said Christ has authority in civil affairs and his empire includes not only baptized persons but also those who are outside the Christian faith. All men are subject to Christ and so there is no difference in this manner. The salvation of the individual and society is in Christ only.
So mission is important.

Since most people are on the way to Hell since they die outside the Church.When the government affirms the Kingship of Christ the priority for most people would be to go to Heaven and avoid Hell, since society and government would be promoting this end.This is possible when the Government is Catholic and would support the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation.
In a secular state which allows the freedom of religion there could be pro-Catholic political parties, supporting the faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church, and the Social Reign of Christ the King in their manifesto.-Lionel Andrades


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MAY 22, 2018

Cardinal Raymond Burke could meet the leaders of Forza Nuova and Militia Christi in Italy just as he met Matteo Salvini : Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation could be explained

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Image result for photo of social reign of christ the king
Image result for photo of social reign of christ the king


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