Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Catholic Church in the Netherlands must choose to be a Church of Martyrs, to survive.It must re-interpret Vatican Council II so that Catholics understand their having an exclusiveness in salvation

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The Catholic Church in the Netherlands must choose to be a Church of Martyrs, to survive.It must re-interpret Vatican Council II so that Catholics understand their having an exclusiveness in salvation.It is their only in the Catholic Church.If you are not a Catholic you do not go to Heaven.
Image result for Catholics praying in the Netherlands photoImage result for Catholic missionaries from holland photo
The Dutch Catholics have a re-interpretation of Vatican Council II which they can quote to support the traditional understanding of outside the Church there is no salvation, as it was known to the Catholic Dutch missionaries.This is the Catholic Faith. You either have it or you do not have it.
Other religions lead to Hell is the Conciliar teaching. This is Vatican Council II.
Jesus founded only one Church, the Catholic Church. The Early Church was the Catholic Church.The Bible comes to us from the Catholic Church.
Image result for Catholics praying in the Netherlands photo  Image result for Catholics  in the Netherlands photo
We cannot know of any one who will be saved outside the Catholic Church without faith and the baptism of water.BOD, BOB and I.I and LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2,GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II are not examples of salvation outside the Church.They will always remain hypothetical cases and should not have been mentioned in the Council-text.
Image result for Catholic missionaries from holland photoImage result for Catholic missionaries from holland photo
There are good things in other religions(NA 2) but without faith and the baptism of water, all non Christians are going to Hell.Every one needs the baptism of water in the Catholic Church for salvation.We do not know and cannot know any one on earth who will go to Heaven without the baptism of water.The norm for salvation is 'faith and baptism'.
This is the traditional Gospel which needs to be preached today in the Netherlands as the Dutch missionaries over the centuries preached it all over the world.
Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.The 16th century was a golden period in the history of the Catholic Church. So we proclaim extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) like the missionaries and the Magisterium of the 16th century, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
The roots of Western Christian Civilization was Catholic. It taught an exclusiveness and superiority in salvation, which is still there in the text of Vatican Council II, for those who want to find it.Faith and baptism are needed by all for salvation ( to avoid Hell.).
Image result for Catholics praying in the Netherlands photo
Lay Catholics must ask the Party for Freedom(VVP), the Peoples Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), the Christian Democratic CDA, the Forum for Democracy(FVD) and other political parties in the Netherlands,  to appeal to the Dutch Catholic Bishops to interpret Vatican Council II without a false premise and inference.The poltical parties could support a rational and traditional interpretation of the Council and ask the cardinal and bishops there to do the same.They will then have set the foundation for the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King and the non separation of Church and State.
-Lionel Andrades

 NOVEMBER 14, 2019

Vatican Council Ii became a conspiracy in the Church when Pope Paul VI, Cardinal Ottaviani, Archbishop Lefebvre ,Cardinal Wojtyla and later Cardinal Ratzinger, chose to interpret the Council, with a false premise, as did the Council Fathers

NOVEMBER 14, 2019

Fr.Hans Kung's books, which unethically use a false premise, to create a non traditional conclusion, are available at the Legion of Christ university, in Rome(UPRA).

NOVEMBER 13, 2019

Marsz Niepodległości 2019 - migawki : Doctrinal Restoration in Poland

NOVEMBER 13, 2019

Polish Leader . Poland can be renewed only through Catholicism : Marsz Niepodległości 2019 - migawki

NOVEMBER 12, 2019

At Oxford University 50 years after Vatican Council II they still do not have an insight into their collective error.Students at Oxford, thousands of them, did not think correctly and were going along with the masses, in their error. This centre of learning was in ignorance.

NOVEMBER 12, 2019

Gavin D'Costa's book published by the Oxford University Press has a philosophical and theological flaw

 NOVEMBER 11, 2019

The Oxford University Press has produced many books on Vatican Council II based upon a false premise. A deceptive rupture is created with Catholic Tradition.

NOVEMBER 11, 2019

It's unethical for the Rector of St.Benet Hall and Cardinal Vince Nicols with the connivance of the present two popes, to project Vatican Council II as a rupture with Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus

NOVEMBER 10, 2019

Traditionalists cannot reclaim Western Catholic civilization without the teaching on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church

NOVEMBER 10, 2019

Students would be surprised to know, if any one told them about it, that Vatican Council II supports an exclusivist ecclesiology in the Catholic Church. It is Feeneyite.

 NOVEMBER 9, 2019

Dorothy Cummings Mclean, correspondent of Life Sites News esposed the plagiarism in the writings of Fr. Thomas Rosica, who was unethical. But she herself irrationally interprets Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS),even after being informed.This is deception. It is unethical too.


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