Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The present day Catholics in Thailand are not following the footsteps of the first missionaries there.Since the pope is concerned that the Leftists will accuse him of proselytism.So the Gospel is not being proclaimed and it is compromised with an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II.

Pope Francis was  in Thailand to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the establishment of the Apostolic Vicariate of Siam in 1669, that formally marked the beginning of the Church in the country. The motto chosen for the papal visit is, “Christ’s Disciples, Missionary Disciples". 1

The first missionaries, wanted all Thais to convert into the Catholic Church with faith and baptism to avoid the fires of Hell.Many were saved but most were lost.However this still today is the spirit of Vatican Council II,which the pope does not follow.
Image result for Pope Francis in Thailand PhotoImage result for Pope Francis in Thailand Photo
Today the pope, nor the media, are allowed to proclaim the true Gospel of Jesus, calling all to faith with the baptism of water. They are not allowed politically, to appeal for Christ  to be the center of all social and political life.

Pope Francis is unable to do what John Paul did in New Delhi when he was refused entry into China. He called upon all people to accept Jesus in the Catholic Church. This was the conversion he sought for the salvation of all people in Asia, now still in the grip of Satan.
Since there is no proclamation of the Gospel without an exclusivist ecclesiology , the proclamation of Jesus without the necessity of Church, has resulted in no tension during the Pope's visit to Thailand. However there was tension when Pope John Paul II was in New Delhi.
In India Catholics do not have the same freedom as Hindus.Missionaries are prohibited from entering. It is the same in other Asian countries.The same tension exists with Buddhists in Thailand.
The present day Catholics in Thailand are not following the footsteps of the first missionaries there.Since the pope is concerned that the Leftists will accuse him of proselytism.So the Gospel is not being proclaimed and it is compromised with an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II.-Lionel Andrades

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