Friday, November 29, 2019

The Minim priests pretend, with the support of their Superiors,that LG 16, GS 22 etc refer to physically visible people.Then they do not have to affirm the past missionary ecclesiology of Alphonse Ratisbonne, Theodore Ratisbonne, St. Maximillian Kolbe and St. Francis of Paula.

Image result for Basilica of Sant'andrea della Fratte Rome Photos
There was the feast of the Miraculous Medal last Wednesday and I found myself kneeling below the statue of St. Maximilian Kolbe, near the Altar of the Miracle, in the Basilica of San Andrea delle Fratte, Rome.The church was full.They prayed the full four Mysteries of the Rosary. All four Mysteries, one after another.They have been doing this on every 27th of the month, at the basilica.
For me it was just like at Medugorje.
Image result for Basilica of Sant'andrea della Fratte Rome Photos
After every one of the 20 decades there would be a prayer calling upon Our Lady to help us convert.She was Our Lady of Conversion.
By conversion they meant a change of heart towards God, in all aspects of life.
They could even have meant a conversion into the Catholic Church, to escape Hell, as St. Maximillian Kolbe and Alphonse Ratisbonne would teach.
When there is a true conversion of heart in a non Catholic, he will enter the Catholic Church and remain in it to avoid Hell. 
The Gospel of John 3:16-18 says all  need to convert to Jesus and into the Church his Mystical Body. Vatican Council II says all need to convert with faith and baptism(AG 7).The Catechisms say all need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation(1257,845,846)
Alphonse Ratisbonne converted into the Catholic Church and so did his brother Theodore. They became missionaries and priests.
Our Lady showed Alphonse Ratisbonne the beauty and importance of the Catholic  Church for the salvation of all people.He converted at that moment, near the Altar of the Miracle in the church, where I was kneeling.
Our Lady did not tell Ratisbonne that he only needed to believe in Jesus and he could remain a Jew.
She showed him the importance of being a member of the Catholic Church.
But for the Minim Fathers, of St. Francis of Paola, at the basilica, every one does not need to convert into the Catholic Church.Invisible cases of LG 16, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II are visible exceptions, to St. Francis of Paola's teaching on there being exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church.
How can invisible people be visible exceptions to all needing to enter the Church for salvation? I once asked an Italian Minim priest at the basilica.
Where are the people saved in invincible ignorance(LG 16) or with good will(GS 22) outside the Church?, I asked him.
Consacriamoci a Maria.
For him too faith and baptism was the norm for salvation. He agreed.But for him there still were practical exceptions to the norm.This was non traditional and irrational for me. He contradicted the Bible( John 3:5, Mark 16:16) and the popes over the centuries.This was not the theology of Catherine Laboure,when Our Lady asked her to have a Miraculous Medal made.
She held the strict interpretation of EENS and she could not see someone saved in invincible ignorance or with good will outside the Church.Physically it was not possible.
So the Minim priests pretend, with the support of their Superiors,that LG 16, GS 22 etc refer to physically visible people.Then they do not have to affirm the past missionary ecclesiology of Alphonse Ratisbonne,  Theodore Ratisbonne, St. Maximillian Kolbe and St. Francis of Paula.-Lionel Andrades

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