Tuesday, November 26, 2019

They now know that Vatican Council II does not contradict Tradition but they need to protect their privileges and earnings, from the political Left.So they continue to mislead Catholics ,who like lost and un-informed sheep,follow them.

The Catholic Identity Conference organized by the traditionalist Michael Matt in the USA recently was a false conference since they chose to interpret LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II, as being exceptions to the past ecclesiology.In this way they were approved by ecclesiastical Masonry and the Left, the liberals and modernists.
Michael Matt, like the founder of Remnant News, Walter Matt, and the traditionalists of that time, interpreted Vatican Council II and EENS with a false premise and inference.It is still approved by powerful lobbies today.
They now know that Vatican Council II does not contradict  Tradition but they need to protect their privileges and earnings, from the political Left.So they continue to mislead Catholics ,who like lost and un-informed sheep,follow them.
They call themselves traditionalists but interpret the Council  as  a break with Tradition, They do this knowingly, since it is expedient.
Michael Matt will not invite the traditionalist Brother Andre Marie MICM to speak at his conference and neither would he invite a traditionalist from Bishop  Williamson's community.
Instead Matt follows Cushingite Archbishop Lefebvre who is poltically correct on his interpretation of Vatican Council II.He rejected the Council not knowing that the Council can be interpreted without the false premise.
Matt cannot 'unite the clans'.This is just a slogan. Since there could be a threat to him politically and economically. So he interprets Vatican Council II irrationally and considers this our Catholic Identity.
His Mis-Identity Conference is held every year in whic he repeats the same mistake in theology and Catholic doctrine. But it is not a problem for him. Since the donations still keep coming in from other Lefebvrists, who cannot make the change to traditional Catholic doctrine theology and doctrines.-Lionel Andrades

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