Tuesday, December 24, 2019

According to a priest of the Pontifical Maronite College in Rome there are no physically visible cases of non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church in invincible ignorance . If any one was saved outside the Church, without faith and baptism(AG 7) it would only be known to God.The priest is saying the obvious.Hypothetical cases are not objective people in the present times(2019-2020).This is common sense.

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According to a priest of the Pontifical Maronite College in Rome there are no physically visible cases of non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church in invincible ignorance . If any one was saved outside the Church, without faith and baptism(AG 7) it would only be known to God.The priest is saying the obvious.Hypothetical cases are not objective people in the present times(2019-2020).This is common sense.
The priest was answering questions which I briefly asked him at the seminary.
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When there are no known exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation, Vatican Council II(AG 7) is in harmony with the centuries-old exclusivist ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and outside the Church there is no salvation as interpreted by the Maronite saints and priests in the 18th century.
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The Maronites in Rome are affirming exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church like St. Charbel  and St. Macron.
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They are saying non Catholic religions are not paths to salvation and their members need to convert into the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.This is the Conciliar teaching of the Catholic Church in harmony with the popes and saints over the centuries. So today in the Maronite Catholic Church there is no rupture with the theology and doctrines of the Maronite monks over history.-Lionel Andrades

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