Saturday, December 14, 2019

Alice von Hildebrand is alive, like Mattei and Ferrara, and they must all correct the mistake in public

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The Lefebvrists still do not clarify on the blog Rorate Caeili, that for 50 years they made an objective error on Vatican Council II.Roberto dei Mattei and Chris Ferrara are still writing articles on different subjects,while allowing the deception to remain.
Rorate Caeili for years has been criticizing Vatican Council II, Cushingite, without mentioning Vatican Council II, Feeneyite. Rorate also has never affirmed  the past ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) in harmony with Vatican Council II.
Mattei and Ferrara wrote books on Vatican Council II not knowing about Vatican Council II, Feeneyite.
Like the late Fr. Nicholas Gruner and John Vennari, they want to expire, while committing the same mistake.
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre made an innocent mistake.
He was not corrected by Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. Instead he was sadly excommunicated.He did not know that Vatican Council II without the false prmeise was in harmony with the concept of Church, in the 16th century.
Michael Davies, Dietrich and Alice von Hildebrand and Plinio Correa also made the same mistake.
Alice von Hildebrand is alive, like Mattei and Ferrara, and they all must correct the mistake in public.-Lionel Andrades 


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