Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Fan Caitliceach

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Tá sé tábhachtach a bheith ina Chaitliceach chun Hell a sheachaint. Mura bhfuil tú Caitliceach ní féidir leat a shábháil. Ní bhíonn ach Caitlicigh ar neamh.
Tá teagasc na hEaglaise Caitlicí mar an gcéanna inné, inniu agus amárach. De bharr réaltacht oibiachtúil ag an leibhéal osnádúrtha, ní athraíonn sé.
Is féidir go dtiocfaidh agus go dtiocfaidh na píopaí. Féadfaidh siad teagasc agus léirmhínithe a athrú. Ach fanann teagasc bunúsach na hEaglaise Caitlicí mar an gcéanna. Ní féidir iad a athrú. Ós rud é go bhfuil an Traidisiún Ró-Naofa. Cosnaíonn sé. Tá comhchuibheas idir creideamh agus cúis.
Mar sin, mura bhfuil tú i do Chaitliceach, déan ceann. Má tá tú i do Chaitliceach Caitliceach cheana féin. Taobh amuigh den Eaglais Chaitliceach níl aon slánú ann. Ní raibh aon sárú riamh ann.
Fan Caitliceach mo chara. Is é an t-aon reiligiún a thabharfaidh tú go flaithis. Bhunaigh Íosa an Eaglais Chaitliceach. Bhí na Críostaithe Luath Caitliceach. Chreid siad sa Aifreann. Bhí an Eocairist acu. Bhí an pobal acu leis an ngnáth theagasc, a d'fhan linn go dtí an lá atá inniu ann.
Mura Caitliceach thú, d'fhéadfá creidimh a roghnú le fírinní páirteacha ach gan an fhírinne a bheith ann. Ní bhíonn ach an fhírinne ann san Eaglais Chaitliceach amháin. Tá Hell.Episcopalians tacú le póstaí aeracha. Tá siad caillte. Ní chreideann Finnéithe Jehovah i Hell.they cheapann go bhfuil Naomh Mícheál an Archangel agus Íosa amháin. seo.
Tá na hantóirí agus na hainmhitheoirí caillte ón uair a fhaigheann siad bás Satan a bhailiú a n-anam. Cuirfidh sé a bpeacaí nach bhfuil glanta ag Íosa in iúl. Beidh sé ró-dhéanach don chuid is mó daoine ar domhan. mar a Slánaitheoir agus iarrann siad trócaire, mar bhall den Eaglais Chaitliceach. Bhí creideamh agus baisteadh ag teastáil uathu san Eaglais Chaitliceach chun dul go Paradise.After go bhfaigheann siad bás, tuigfidh siad go bhfuil sé ró-dhéanach. Ar feadh na gcéadta bliain agus na gcéadta bliain beidh siad ag maireachtáil le tine agus le deamhain.
Mura Caitliceach thú, ní Críostaí tú i ndáiríre. Teastaíonn an Eocairist uait. Tá creideamh agus teagasc morálta na hEaglaise de dhíth ort. Teastaíonn na sagairt uait. Tá Sacraimint an Fhaoistin de dhíth ort. Ní bhíonn an chuid is mó de na daoine ar domhan agus tiocfaidh siad faoi luí Satan agus na deamhain. Tiocfaidh siad isteach in ifreann nuair a fhaigheann siad bás.
Fan Caitliceach agus tabhair cuireadh do dhaoine eile isteach san Eaglais Chaitliceach. Ó tharla nach bhfuil, agus nach féidir, aithne a chur ar aon duine a shábháltar lasmuigh den Eaglais. Níl aon chás den sórt sin ar domhan ar eol dúinn. Níl aon rud i gComhairle II na Vatacáine chun saoirse eisiach san Eaglais Chaitliceach a shárú. Níl an Chomhairle traidisiúnta. Ná creidim na luí a léigh tú sna meáin. Tacaíonn Comhairle na Vatacáine II le Naomh Ignatius de Loyola, le Naomh Proinsias Xavier agus le misinéirí na nÍosánach sa 16ú haois. sna Meánaoiseanna, tréimhse órga i stair na hEaglaise Caitlicí.
Mar sin, fan Caitliceach agus iarr ar do chairde a bheith Caitliceach. Seachas sin caillfear go deo iad ar thinte Ifrinn.
Fan fionnuar agus Caitliceach mo chara. Lasmuigh den Eaglais tá sé te agus go deo. -Lionel Andrades


Stay   Catholic
It is important to be a Catholic to avoid Hell.If you are not a Catholic you cannot be saved. In Heaven there are only Catholics.
The teachings of the Catholic Church are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.Since  objective reality at the supernatural level, does not change.Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Popes may come and go.They may change doctrine and interpretations. But the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church remain the same. They cannot be changed. Since Tradition is Sacred. It protects. There is a harmony between faith and reason.
So if you are not a Catholic become one. If you are already a Catholic -stay Catholic.Outside the Catholic Church there is no known salvation.There never was any in the past.Neither is there any today. 
Stay Catholic my friend. It's the only religion which will take you to Heaven. Jesus founded the Catholic Church. The Early Christians were Catholic.They believed in the Mass.They had the Eucharist. They had the community with the common teachings, which have remained with us until  today.
If you are not a Catholic you could chose a religion with partial truths but without the fullness of the truth.The fullness of the truth is there only in the Catholic Church.Protestants believe in Jesus but officially approve of abortion and contraception.They are going to Hell.Episcopalians are support  gay marriages.They  are lost.The Jehovah Witnesses do not believe in Hell.they think St. Michael the Archangel and Jesus are one.They think they will go to Paradise, only because  the founder of their religion believed this.
The atheists and agnostics are lost since when they die Satan will come to collect their soul.He will  point out their sins which have not been cleared by Jesus.It will also be too late for most people on earth.They needed to repent accept Jesus as their Saviour and ask for mercy, as a member of the Catholic Church. They needed faith and baptism in the Catholic Church to go to Paradise.After they die they will realize it is too late.It would be all over. For centuries and centuries they will be  living with fire and demons.
If you are not a Catholic you are not really a Christian. You need the Eucharist.You need the faith and moral teachings of the Church. You need the priests.You need the Sacrament of Confession. Most people on earth do not have it and will fall before the lies of Satan and the demons.They will fall into Hell when they die.
Stay Catholic and invite others into the Catholic Church.Since we do not, and cannot, know any one saved outside the Church.We cannot know any one saved today  in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire.No one. There is no such case on earth known to us.There is nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. Nothing.The Council is traditional. Don't believe the lies you read in the media.Vatican Council II supports St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier and the Jesuit missionaries of the 16th century.Extra ecclesiam nulla salus today is the same as it was for the Magisterium in the Middle Ages, a golden period in the history of the Catholic Church.
So stay Catholic and invite your friends to be Catholic. Otherwise they will be lost forever to the fires of Hell.
Stay cool and Catholic my friend. Outside the Church it is hot and forever.-Lionel Andrades

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