Friday, December 20, 2019

The Center for Ethics and Public Policy and George Weigel are deceptive

Image result for George Weigel
The President and scholars of the Center for Ethics and Public Policy, Washington, USA, have been irrational, on Vatican Council II. So unethically they create a theological rupture with  16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), the past ecclesiocentric ecclesiology of the Catholic Church and exclusive salvation.It was the theological basis for the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King in politics and law, the non separation of Church and State and a Catholic State,with religious freedom for non Catholics, as during the time of the Papal States.
There is nothing in Nostra Aetate to contradict Ad  Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. We cannot know of any one saved in invincible ignorance(LG 16) who could be an exception to all needing faith and baptism for salvation.All, in the jungles of the Amazon, among the natives in the Americas before Columbus went there or in Asia before the arrival of St. Francis Xaview needed the baptism of water and Catholic faith for salvation. We cannot know of any exception.
So George Weigel uses a false premise  and inference to re-intepret Vatican Council II, un-like me, to create a break with Tradition.Then with the false conclusion he supports a secular state,with pro-Satanic values.He then considers this irrationality and innovation, as the basis for the Center's understanding of ethics for a new public policy.
This is deception.It is unethical. It is not Catholic.It is un-real.
Academically this is false.Factually and objectively it is false.This is poor scholarship.
It is stretching things when the Catholic writer at the  Center for Ethics and Public Policy,violates the Principle of Non Contradition to interpret Vatican Council II like Fr.John Courtney Murray Sj,and liberal theologians like Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.
When George Weigel confuses what is subjective as being  objective, implicit as explicit,invisible as visible, it is nurturing a lie.This is not ' a development of doctrine'.
The Washington think-thank had it wrong on Vatican Council II.Their conclusion and inferences are wrong. A false interpretation of the Council cannot be the basis for a politico-social understanding in society.
George Weigel represents the Left when he does not say that the Conciliar Church is Feeneyite and the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO) also is Feeneyite( hypothetical  cases are hypothetical only).Instead, for them at the Center, Vatican Council II and EENS, are Cushingite( hypothetical cases are objective people saved outside the Church in the present times).
LOHO made an objective mistake(baptism of desire and invincible ignorance were visible exceptions to EENS for the cardinals in the 1940's) and it was referenced in Vatican Council II.
Vatican Council ( Feeneyite) suppports St.Aquinas, St. Augustine and the Church Fathers on extra ecclesiam nulla salus(Feeneyite and not Cushingite) and the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I), interpreted with Feeneyism(and not Cushingism).
BOD,BOB and I.I never ever were exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. Yet this is the false premise of the Center.
Vatican Council II and EENS, interpreted with Feeneyism( invisible people saved with BOD, BOB and I.I are always physically invisible) provide the traditional theological basis for the proclamation of a Catholic State, with Jesus Christ at  the center of all political legislation.The Constitution would place God at the center, of all life and activity, and not man. God would be the perspective , as a priority, for the development of society.
There cannot be an interpretation of the Church, life and society, by changing, the interpretation of Vatican Council II with a false premise , and then projecting the Council as a new revelation in the Church, a new revolution, a new understanding of what it means to be Church.The Holy Spirit cannot make an objective mistake.
With Vatican Council II interpreted rationally, the Council supports in DIgnitatis Humanae, a Catholic State with religious freedom for non Catholics, as during the time of the Papal States in Rome.
The Center for Ethics and Public Policy and George Weigel, approved by the U.S Government, are deceptive on Vatican Council II.They need to correct their error and issue a public clarification.-Lionel Andrades

December 19, 2019

George Weigel , Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center,Washington interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise which is unethical

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