Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Church is Jesus.

There is no theological basis for the New Ecumenism, New Theology, New Evangelisation, New Ecclesiology etc.Since there is no known salvation outside the Church. So our concept of 'Church' has not changed.It has not changed after Vatican Council II.
We still understand 'The Church' , according to the old understanding of outside the Church there is no salvation (CCC 846, Athanasius Creed).It is not outside the Church there is personally known salvation.
Vatican Council II says all need faith and baptism (AG 7) for salvation. This is our old understanding of Church. This is the old ecclesiology.This is the teaching of the Council.
Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and so is the Church.
Image result for Photos Community Palavra Viva RomaImage result for Photos Community Palavra Viva Roma
A new theology cannot be created out of nothing. There has to be a rational basis. We must not confuse what is implicit as being explicit and say there is salvation outside the Church. We must not confuse what is invisible as being visible and then create a new theology. By mixing up what is subject as being objective a new ecclesiology should not be forced upon the whole Church.One small and powerful lobby should not misinterpret Vatican Council II.
Yet this is what was done by Fr. Karl Rahner,Pope Paul VI, Pope Benedict and others.
Image result for Photos Community Palavra Viva Roma Image result for Photos Community Palavra Viva Roma
Archbishop Bruno Forte's comment is now well known. 

"Do it in a way that the premises are there, then I will draw out the conclusions.”, Pope Francis told Forte.1


In other words change the premise and you change the understanding of what it means 'to be Church'.

A false premise was used by the liberals to change the interpretation of Vatican Council II. Since, really,  there  are no exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus mentioned in Vatican Council II. But when a false premise is used then exceptions to EENS emerge.The red contradicts the blue. 2

If we love the Church we can stop using the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II.This is if we love the Church more then our personal interests. Those who love the Church must not project LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II as referring to visible and known people. They were not visible.
There are no such known people in the present times.They are only hypothetical and speculative cases. They are not examples of living people saved outside the Church. So LG 8 etc are not practical exceptions to the old exclusivist ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and conversion into the Catholic Church for salvation, as it was known to the Jesuits missionaries.
The Jesuits in the Middle Ages proclaimed Jesus with the necessity of being a member of the Catholic Church, to avoid Hell.The Church is Jesus' Mystical Body. We cannot separate it from Jesus.We cannot preach Jesus only  and not mention that he saves from Hell. He is the Saviour.Since he saves us from going to Hell.We avoid Hell by accepting him in the Catholic Church.
The Church is also the Kingdom of God, present now, it is a taste of Heaven on earth, now, and not only after we die.
So we cannot create a new Church, with a new ecumenism for example, based upon unknown people being known, invisible people being visible and saved outside the Church.
Similarly we cannot create a new doctrine on Mission and say not every one needs to enter the Church but only those who 'know'; who are not in invincible ignorance.This is , as if we can know of cases of non Catholics, saved in invincible ignorance,outside the Church.Being saved  in invincible ignorance is not an exception to the old teaching on their being exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
Image result for Photo chiesa san giuseppe a capo le case
As I write this I have a picture in my mind of a  little religious sister from Brazil.She spoke last night at a church in Rome. She spoke about how her understanding of what it means to be Catholic, developed.She became consious of the Creed in a new way.She began to realize that the Church was Jesus.
I was sitting in the last rows of a packed church and was hanging on to every word she said. I had to concentrate though at times.
That little lady does not know the theology I am expressing here.But she was repeating it in a mysterious and clear way. She has a voice which is clear and distinct and not the common voices most of us are born with. She would probably not understand me or what I have written here.Since her community all over the world interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise.
Her approach was non controversial. She first spoke about Jesus  and then came to the Church, as a subject.carisma 2014 Comunit Cattolica Palavra Viva

She mentioned the Church being Jesus' Mystical Body on earth and briefly developed this theme.
Earlier the young superior of this Parlavra Viva community in Rome, Sr. Mirella, a lay woman in her 20's, spoke about how they love to bring Jesus to the youth and families . It was a year for them as a community in the diocese of Rome .They were celebrating it yesterday.
These young ladies had beautiful voices, and accompanied by the guitar and electric organ, created a sacred silent space. This was especially there when the Eucharist was being received by the congregation.It was  a brief period of Heaven for me.
Mons.Natala Loda, the Rector in his homily spoke about the shortness of life and how we must be prepared at all times.This was a theme in the Gospel Reading. 
Get things done as fast as you can was the message for me. Since tomorrow you may be on 'the other side'.
-Lionel Andrades
Image result for Photos of Rome Palavra Viva community


 JUNE 15, 2019

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