Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Lefebvrists are Cushingites like the popes since Paul VI whom they criticize , remaining clueless about the same theology which they follow

Image result for Icon Church Militant TV Image result for Icon Lifesitenews
Cushingite, politically correct correspondents of CMTV and LifeSite News were scandalized with Pope Francis' recent statement at a public school in Rome.It was easy for the pope.Since CMTV and LifeSite News do not want to affirm Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(just like the two popes). They also do not want to affirm Vatican Council II Feeneyite( just like the pope and the Left).
So they are all in the same theological boat.They follow the false theology which is politically acceptable, for those who control the ship , in leftist waters.
Image result for Photo false premise

As a Cushingite,Pope Francis, said Jews and Muslims  do not need to convert. This was not a statement out of the blue. He was following a particular theology supported by Pope Benedict and the Masons.I call it Cushingism.
Cushingism in principle assumes invisible people are visible.Then upon this irrationality builds a theology.
Feeneyism in principle assumes invisible people are invisible. So there is no new theology.
This is one of the secrets of the Vatican, I stumbled on to.
So if someone would ask Pope Benedict, "Your Holiness, how can you keep saying that Jews do not need to convert?".He would reply,"It is there in Vatican Council II". He means, of course, Vatican Course interpreted with Cushingism. His Holiness will not discuss this unholy subject in public.Upon it, he based his New Theology.
Neither will Pope Francis bring out the secret in public.Otherwise he would no more be able to cite Vatican Council II to support all his innovation.
Similarly for Diane Montagna and Roberto dei Mattei ( consultant for LifeSites), being saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) is an exception to Feeneyite EENS.Why? Since invincible ignorance refers to visible and known non Catholics saved outside the Church. But where are these people in real life ?There are no such cases!
But this is not important for Cushingites.
Image result for Photo of Cardinal Richard Cushing
It was Cardinal Richard Cushing and the Letter of the Holy Office (LOHO) which assumed invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire were exceptions to Feeneyite EENS and the whole Church followed them -including the popes.
This is also the bad theology of Diane Montagna and Bishop Schneider,  which comes from Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre  and Pope Pius XII.
In 1965 Pope Paul VI chose to interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of the rational Feeneyite choice.
Lefebvre interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism, like Pope Paul VI, and did not know about Vatican Council II, Feeneyite.He rejected Vatican Council II, Cushingite.
The Society of St.Pius X(SSPX) bishops today interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism even though they know of the Feeneyite option.They then reject Vatican Council ,Feeneyite, since they follow Lefebvre.
Image result for Photo false premiseImage result for Photo false premise
They will interpret Vatican Council II and EENS with the same false premise, used by the present two popes and the secular Left.
So the Cushingites at CMTV and LifeSites continue to be scandalized by Pope Francis  but they will not announce that all non Catholics in the present times  need to convert into the Church to avoid Hell.This would be Feeneyite for them.The Lefebvrists are Cushingites like the popes since Paul VI whom they criticize , remaining clueless about the same theology which they follow.-Lionel Andrades

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