Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Rector and professor has to approve a student- thesis at pontifical and secular universities with Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally.This is official.

At the pontifical universities there have been numerous doctoral thesis of students who have interpreted Vatican Council II with an irrational premise,which have been approved. Students who interpret the Council as a rupture with 16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) then receive a degree in theology.
The professor may know that what he teaches is irrational, yet he will not teach Vatican Council II, Feeneyite, which does not use the false premise to interpret the Council.
The professors are not allowed to go back to the old ecclesiology, old theology, old ecumenism and old evangelisation. They have to pretend that Vatican Council II creates a break with Tradition and they are not allowed to make a distinction between Cushingism and Feeneyism. So they teach error even though it is a mortal sin of faith and a scandal.For a professor-priest it is offering Holy Mass in sin and sacrilege. 
The Rector and professor has to  approve a student- thesis at pontifical and secular universities with Vatican Council II interpreted  irrationally.This is official.
Even members of the judiciary have  received baccalaureate , licentiate and doctoral degrees in Canon Law and other subjects with this error in the interpretation of the Council. The error is widespread in the Church.
Judges of the Italian courts  would be interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally as a norm, to create a rupture with 16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So widespread is the error in the Catholic Church, the only Church of Jesus outside of which there is no salvation.
From the parish priest to the pope, a false premise is used to create a non traditional conclusion , in the interpretation of the Council.-Lionel Andrades

DECEMBER 21, 2019

The judiciary in Italy use a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II like Abp. Lefebvre and the SSPX bishops.

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