Monday, December 2, 2019

This is the Catholic Faith of the martyrs in harmony with Vatican Council II

According to Vatican Council II Mohammad would be lost since he died without faith and the baptism of water(AG 7). This is the official teaching of the Council.All need faith and baptism for salvation.
He knew about Jesus and the Church and yet he did not enter (LG 14).
Dante saw him suffer since he formed a new religion.
Image result for Photo of Catholic martyrs Image result for Photo of Catholic martyrs 
Image result for Photo of Catholic martyrs Image result for Photo of Catholic martyrs
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church all need faith and baptism for salvation(CCC 846) and the Church knows of no means to eternal beatitude other than the baptism of water(CCC 1257).
Cardinals Ratzinger and Schonborn mention in the Catechism(1257) that God is not limited to the Sacraments.This is a decoy.Since we cannot know of any one saved outside the Church, because ' God is not limited to the Sacraments'.If there was any such case it would only be known to God.We cannot say there were 20 such cases this year or 30 last year.
So for all Catholics, Mohammad is not a prophet.Instead, according to the Conciliar Church he is lost forever.This has been the teaching of the popes and saints.Now it is there in Vatican Council II.This is the Council interpreted rationally and without a false premise.
Image result for Photo of Vatican Council II Image result for Photo of Vatican Council II 
Image result for Photo of Vatican Council II
The Council is saying all non Catholics are oriented to hell without faith and baptism and this includes those who know and those who do not know about Jesus and the Church.All.(AG 7).
So when Islamism and Judaism are promoted as equal paths to salvation as the Catholic Church it is false.
Jews and Muslims do not have Catholic Faith and the baptism of water(AG 7, LG 14) and we cannot say that in any particular case, there will be an exception.We cannot name any one in particular who will be saved outside the Church without faith and the baptism of water.
This is our Catholic Faith, the faith of the Martyrs of the Catholic Church, which is not contradicted by Vatican Council II, but instead, supported by the Council(AG 7) and Catechism of the Catholic Church (845,846,1257).This was the faith of the missionaries in the Middle Ages. 
They went to foreign lands with this faith and were killed for it.Now when foreigners come to Europe in an invasion we must be willing to proclaim this Faith and even be killed for it.
Today this sense of the Faith of the Martyrs has to be proclaimed in Europe.
There is the Catholic faith of the martyrs and the compromisers.
The faith of the martyrs would say LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II are not  objective exceptions to traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). The compromisers  would say they are exceptions, as if they could find evidence in real life.
For the martyrs LG 8 etc would refer to invisible people in 2019. For the compromisers they are visible exceptions to the exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.
So there is only an exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church today, for the martyrs,while for the compromisers there are personally known exceptions, even though they cannot name any.
The martyrs today will proclaim the faith and go to their reward. The compromises will live  with quiet suffocation.
The martyrs will be able to say that he or she cannot respect lies, falsehoods and heresies in other religions and praise them.
In a sense , there cannot be a dialogue with Judaism and Islamism since neither of the two accept the Cross, which is central to the Christian faith, the Catholic Faith.
Neither of the two religions accept Christ as God or even the Son of God. For the Jews of today Christ is not the Promised Jewish Messiah. 
For the evangelical and pentecostal Christians there is salvation in only their community and not in the Catholic Church.
For the Jehovah Witnesses and also the Muslims there is exclusive salvation in only their religion and not the Catholic Church.
Similarly for Catholics, the prophets of other religions , are not God, like Jesus, instead they were mere men, who were lost in sin, and are now lost for forever.
This the Catholic Faith of the Martyrs.
Unless a Catholic is ready to be a martyr, to be killed, for the Faith, it would be difficult to proclaim it and really live as a Catholic today.
Proclaiming this faith, takes you to a new level in your personal faith as a Catholic.The reaction of non Catholics, and Catholics, toward you becomes different.However there is also a sense of freedom. The Enemy comes with fear but when faith is there, the fear is eliminated.Fear has no power.
This is my faith. The Catholic Faith. The Faith of the martyrs.
This is the Conciliar Church for me. I am a Vatican- Council -II Catholic.I do not have to only quote, for example, St. John Bosco's writings on Islamism and Judaism. Since my primary reference is Vatican Council II, for EENS.The Council corroborates the writings of the founder of the Salesian community.
Jesus asks us to love all but also to proclaim the truth.It was out of love for us; so that we may know the truth, that Jesus mentions Hell with fire, so many times in the Bible.
This is the Catholic Faith of the martyrs in harmony with Vatican Council II.-Lionel Andrades 

 AUGUST 28, 2019

Liberal interpretation of Vatican Council II is obsolete (Graphics)

APRIL 3, 2018

Cardinal says Church teaching doesnâۉ„¢t put any specific person in Hell

Liberals still do not know that they can no more cite Vatican Council II to support 50 years of propaganda

-Lionel Andrades

NOVEMBER 20, 2019

The National Catholic Reporter reviews of the books by Fr. Jared Wicks sj and Prof. Paul Lakeland on Vatican Council II were flawed. The authors made a mistake ( Graphics)

-Lionel Andrades

 OCTOBER 31, 2019

There are no arguements to support exceptions to EENS. There cannot be any objective exception, whatever is the argument

-Lionel Andrades

OCTOBER 31, 2019

EWTN's Tragic Errors of Leonard Feeney by Fr. William Most present arguments which cannot be practical exceptions to EENS, they cannot violate Newton's Laws of Physics


SEPTEMBER 28, 2018

He would not interpret Vatican Council II like me. He wanted a rupture.

-Lionel Andrades

 FEBRUARY 18, 2019

Rector or Bishop cannot hold his office, for the CDF unless he assumes that the red is an exception to blue and so interprets all magisterial documents as a rupture with Tradition (Graphics)

 FEBRUARY 18, 2019

Minim Curia General reject Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church

 FEBRUARY 17, 2019

Bishop Athanasius Schneider

Bishop Athansius Schneider did not say the Catholic Faith is the only religion of God and instead referred to the Christian religions : no correction or denial from him or LifeSitesNews

FEBRUARY 16, 2019

Image result for Photo Cardinal Kasper in trouble

Times have changed for Cardinal Kasper



FEBRUARY 9, 2019

The red is not an exception to the blue' : new extraordinary understanding of Vatican Council II

FEBRUARY 9, 2019

Professor Roberto dei Mattei is really saying outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation and in Heaven there are only Catholics according to Vatican Council II (AG 7-blue passages) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church 846 (AG 7-blue passages)

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