Monday, April 29, 2019

Catholics in the diocese of Manchester, USA in a survey could be asked four questions.It will show that theologically they hold the same understanding of extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) as the St. Benedict Center(SBC) in the diocese.

Catholics in the diocese of Manchester, USA in a survey could be asked four questions.It will show that theologically they hold the same understanding of extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) as the St. Benedict Center(SBC) in the diocese.
The survey could ask them their names and surnames or their diocesan parish/ church and the following four questions.The questions could be more or less.It depends upon those who organise it. This is only a rough model to initiate the work.
Image result for Photos diocese of manchester Catholic usa
1.Do we humans personally know any one saved outside the Catholic Church with the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance in 2019?
2.Do we personally know any one saved outside the Catholic Church i.e without Catholic faith and the baptism of water, with 'elements of sanctification and truth'(LG 8), 'imperfect communion with the Church'(UR 3), being people of goodwill (GS 22) etc, in 2019?
3.So do you think the St.Benedict Center in New Hampshire is correct in saying outside the Church there is no salvation?
4.Vatican Council II says all need faith and baptism for salvation ( and BOD, BOB and I.I are invisible and unknown), the Catechism of Pope Pius X says all need to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation and the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1994) says the Catholic Church is like the Ark of Noah in which all need to enter for salvation(CCC 845).Do you know any objective exception to these  teaching in Vatican Council II and the Catechisms?

This could be part of an unofficial survey in Manchester and the results would be informative for the Catholic Church at large.-Lionel Andrades

APRIL 29, 2019

Catholics who attend Holy Mass in English in the diocese of Manchester, USA are not told that they can interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism instead of irrational Cushingism

This pro-life hero spent Easter in jail. She needs your help!

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This pro-life hero spent Easter in jail. She needs your help!

April 26, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — Over 1,300 people have signed a petition that sends a message of hope to jailed pro-lifer Mary Wagner.
Please click HERE to learn more about the petition. And then please sign the petition.
LifePetitions campaign co-ordinator Scott Schittl said the petition is coming just at the right time.
“Mary has spent more than 5 years in jail, trying to defend the most vulnerable in society. And, she just spent Easter in jail. This show of support will give Mary and her family a crucial morale boost right now.”
Wagner was arrested last week in Vancouver, BC, when she and one of her fellow pro-life activists entered an abortion center with red and white roses and attempted to speak with the mothers who were there to end the lives of their babies.
The two pro-lifers offered the abortion-minded women life-affirming alternatives.
But then abortion center staff contacted the police, who later arrived and detained Wagner.
Some may believe that this kind of protest (where one is frequently arrested) is futile or counterproductive.
But, through her activism, Mary continues to draw worldwide attention to the destruction abortion causes to women, society, and the unborn child.
After her detention, Mary wrote a letter to her supporters from jail. In it, she explains what motivates her to continue trying to defend the unborn and their mothers from abortion.
Why should Christians go to these places where tiny babies not yet born are being killed? “Whatsoever you did to one of the least of my brothers, you did it to me... Whatever you failed to do to one of the least of my brothers, you failed to do it to me” (Matthew 25:40).
Our presence at these places where God's littlest children are being put to death is a response to God, who is Love, who has loved us first. He who has loved us from all eternity is there, abandoned by his own and facing execution again, as He did on Calvary. May He lead us there in the spirit of repentance, going to console Him in his agony, to pray for our brothers and sisters, to do what we can, with his grace, to bring His Light and Love where there is otherwise only darkness and contempt.
Please SIGN this petition, and send Mary a message of hope. Also, pray for an end to abortion!
Mary will appear in court on May 1, so these petitions will be delivered personally to her on or around that date. Thank you for signing!

Catholics who attend Holy Mass in English in the diocese of Manchester, USA are not told that they can interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism instead of irrational Cushingism.

Catholics who attend Holy Mass in English in the diocese of Manchester, USA are not told that they can interpret Vatican Council II  with Feeneyism instead of irrational Cushingism.
Once Catholics in general in the diocese of Manchester are informed that invisible cases of BOD, BOB and I.I 1 are not visible exceptions to Feeneyite EENS 2 they would agree. 
This would be common sense for them.
No one has told them that they could interpret Lumen Gentium 16 ( invincible ignorance), Lumen Gentium 14 ( case of the unknown catechumen), Lumen Gentium 8, Unitatis Redintigratio 3, Nostra Aetate 2, Gaudium et Specs 22 etc in Vatican Council II as referring to only unknown and invisible people in 2019. They would agree that Vatican Council II does not contradict the strict interpretation of EENS.
Presently in ignorance, Catholics who attend Holy Mass in English  or Spanish, assume there are personally known non Catholics saved outside the the Catholic Church. So there are objective exceptions to EENS. They then criticize the St. Benedict Center.
No one has showed them the difference  between Cushingism ( reading hypothetical cases of BOD, BOB and I.I as being objective and known non Catholics) and Feeneyism ( reading hypothetical cases of BOD, BOB and I.I and LG 8, UR 3, GS 22 etc  as being only hypothetical and not personally known non Catholics) .
Mary Ellen Mahon, Kelly Goodreau, Diane Quinlin and Fr. Matthew Mason are not telling Catholics,or those who want to be Catholic, the difference between Cushingism and Feeneyism. At RCIA,Adult education and religious formation courses, Catholics are not told that they can interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism.
They allow Catholics to remain in ignorance and use Cushingism.
Once the rank and file Catholic in Manchester, knows the difference they will see that it is obvious that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation.There are no literal cases. 
They would wonder why Mary Ellen Mahon, Kelly Goodreau, Diane Quinlin, Fr. Matthew Mason and the others at Manchester, have a problem with this fact and do not teach it.
It would be in the interest of the common Catholic if unofficial surveys are done after Holy Mass in the churches of the diocese. The survey would be an education for the Catholics.The survey results would also bring out the truth about Vatican Council II and EENS.-Lionel Andrades

BOD ( Baptism of desire), BOB( Baptism of blood) and I.I ( invincible ignorance).

EENS ( extra ecclesiam nulla salus).


April 26, 2019

Image result for Photo Diocese of Manchester USA

Mary Ellen Mahon does not tell Catholics in the diocese of Manchester that they can all interpret Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church without Cushingism : but then they would all not be Catholic for her


April 23, 2019

Curia member of the Diocese of Manchester, USA indicates C.J Doyle and Phil Lawler in the diocese of Manchester, N.H are also not Catholic


APRIL 23, 2019

Ms. Mary Ellen Mahon

Diocese of Manchester Curia member says Slaves of Mary Immaculate Heart of Mary, at St.Benedict Center, N.H are 'no longer to be considered Catholic'

For More Information...

Ms. Mary Ellen Mahon
Cabinet Secretary for Catholic Formation & Director of Pastoral Ministry





April 23, 2019

Image result for C.J Doyle  photo a  Image result for Photo Phil Lawler


Curia member of the Diocese of Manchester, USA indicates C.J Doyle and Phil Lawler in the diocese of Manchester, N.H are also not Catholic


April 23, 2019

Diocese of Manchester Curia member says Slaves of Mary Immaculate Heart of Mary, at St.Benedict Center, N.H are 'no longer to be considered Catholic'


April 22, 2019

Image result for photo of bishop libasci manchester

No interviews are being given nor questions answered by Bishop Libasci : doctrinal position of the diocese of Manchester is irrational



Angels & Dragons XX: “War in Heaven” (Rev. 12:7)


Angels & Dragons XX: “War in Heaven” (Rev. 12:7)


The Book of Revelation describes the “War in Heaven” (Rev. 12:7) between St. Michael and his angels against the Red Dragon and his angels, when a vision of a woman about to give birth is shown to them.
What was the first battle like?  Why did it happen?  What was the trial of the angels?  Are there any revelations via the saints, mystics, or from exorcisms where the devil is forced to confess what happened?  St. Faustina reminds us that St. Michael was the first Christian to do God’s will when he believed in the incarnation, fights for God, and thus passes the test,
“I have great reverence for Saint Michael the Archangel; he had no example to follow in doing the will of God, and yet he fulfilled God’s will faithfully [667].”
The mystic Venerable Mary of Agreda, who bilocated more than 500 times to America, writes in the Mystical City of God about this great battle that occurs in the heavens; however, not the real heaven where God abides,
“It was a wonderful battle…Saint Michael, burning with zeal for the honor of God and armed with divine power and with his own humility, resisted the arrogant pride of the dragon…”

Every creature has be tested before entering the beatific vision where God dwells, and the angels were no different.  Patricia Devlin (blind mystic) captures the words of St. Michael concerning the great tribulation that all the angels faced before the battle,
“But the temptation to follow Lucifer that we all faced was so great.  He could and did make it seem so logical that God’s way was crazy, that His plan for creation made no sense.  ‘How,’ he asked us, ‘could we think for a moment that suffering and sorrow could bring any good?’ …Lucifer showed us a vision of Christ crucified and jeered, ‘See! This is the King you would follow, a King who has no followers, who does not raise a finger to protect Himself against those who will torture Him to death.  What kind of God is this?’…He asked us, ‘If you open yourself to love, what will happen to you but that you will be hurt?  Look at this:  The God of the Universe will come to earth to dwell among the lowest of the creatures who could knowingly praise Him, and what will they do but kill Him?  And He knows beforehand that they will do this!’ …He asked us how we could trust a God who could ask us to do such a thing.  Was that God concerned for us at all, that He would ask it?’” 
