Thursday, May 9, 2019

Where are the fairies for them to be exceptions to EENS ?

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Joseph Shaw, John Lamont, Thomas Pink and John Rao will be speaking  at the traditionalist Summer Conference this year.None of them have commented onthe Secretaries of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) asking the traditionalist Brother Andre Marie MICM, to interpret the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 847-848 on invincible ignorance) as a rupture with extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
Yet this is the lie Shaw, Lamont, Pink and Rao must proclaim to maintain their teaching career, according to the bishops.
They also kept silent in March 2018 when Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj, told an Associated Press correspondent at the Placquet Deo Press Conference, that Lumen Gentium 8 was an exception to the past exclusive ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.
Brother Andre Marie informed the CDF that there are no personally known cases of being saved in invincible ignorance and if any one was saved as such he or she would only be known to God.
Possibilities are not concrete exceptions to EENS.
Brother Andre Marie was affirming EENS like the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century.
These traditionalists professors deny EENS according to the Magisterium of the 16th century just like the present two popes.
The Latin Mass in England does not have the ecclesiology ( understanding faith and salvation and Church) as that of the Traditional Latin Mass in the 16th century.
How can LG 16( invincible ignorance) contradict Feeneyite EENS? How can CCC 847-848 be an exception  to the 16th century understanding of EENS?
Can Lamont, Shaw, Pink and Rao see ghaosts in England. Where are the fairies for them to be exceptions to EENS ?
-Lionel Andrades

Signatory of Open Letter to Bishops also in heresy

I mentioned in a previous blog post that it is formal heresy when the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS ) is rejected, the Athanasius Creed  made obsolete, the interpretation of the Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed changed and Vatican Council II is interpreted as a rupture with the Creeds and Catechisms.So the two popes are contradicting ex cathedra teachings (EENS, Creeds) on faith and salvation.It is a violation of the Extraordinary and Ordinary Magisterium of the past.
The present two popes and the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj need to recant and correct the error.They are in a mortal sins of faith which take one to Hell. Heresy is a sin.
In principle they wrongly assume that hypothetical and theoretical cases (LG 8, LG 16, GS 22 etc)  are personally known and physically visible non Catholics saved outside the Church. So EENS and the past exclusive ecclesiocentrism is made obsolete.
This important point is omitted in the Open Letter to the Bishops.One of its signatories is John Lamont who makes the same error as the two popes.He commits the same mortal sin.A professor of theology, approved by liberal bishops,Lamont spoke on the New Theology at the Lepanto Foundation conference last year.He is forced to interpret ex catehedra teachings with the New Theology( invisible non Catholics are visible exceptions to EENS.So there is salvation outside the Catholic Church),He does this to be able to teach theology.He is not allowed to affirm the strict interpretation of EENS, the Athanasius Creed is obsolete for him, the interpretation of the Nicene Creed and Apostles Creeds has been changed and Vatican Council II is interpreted not in harmony but as a rupture.
Lamont does not proclaim the traditional understanding of salvation, like Joseph Shaw, who is allowed to teach philosophy  since he is politically correct , at Oxford University's Benet Hall.This was also the heresy of the signatories of the Filial Correction in 2017.
Lamont and Shaw do not tell the two popes not to interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with EENS since they do the same.
It is only because they commit a mortal sin of faith in public, that they are allowed to teach as professors.
Similarly in Italy the bishops would not allow Roberto dei Mattei and Corrado Gnerre  to teach if they did not project Vatican Council II as a rupture with the past ecclesiology. 
They are forced to use the false premise( invisible non Catholics are visible) and false inference( unknown people are examples of salvation outside the Church and so outside the Church there is salvation).
Roberto dei Mattei when recently was contacted by Diane Monatagne ,for LifeSite News, did not proclaim the strict interpretation of EENS. He suggested that being saved in invincible ignorance was an exception.So he mentioned invincible ignorance and remained politically correct.This is heresy.
The same mortal sin of faith of the popes and the CDF, is committed by Fr.Francesco Giordano, Director, Human Life International, Rome.He teaches a lie at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome.
John Lamont and Joseph Shaw, like John Rao and Thomas Pink, interpret magisterial documents  with the false premise and inference so their Profession of Faityh would be false. The Nicene Creed would have been changed.They violate the Oath Against Modernism.
Not surprisingly none of them objected in March 2016 when Pope Benedice said Vatican Council II is a development and EENS is no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century.They agree with him!!
With mortal sins of faith a public scandal these traditionalist professors of theology and philosophy,should also not receive the Eucharist at Mass, until they end the scandal.
 They will not affirm the strict interpretation of EENS in pubic and they do not correct the popes when they contradict the extra ordinary Magisterium on a faith-issue.
-Lionel Andrades

The Quiet Visionary with a Secret that Soon the Whole World Will Stop and Listen To: “Our Lady told me the future of the world.”

The Quiet Visionary with a Secret that Soon the Whole World Will Stop and Listen To: “Our Lady told me the future of the world.”


“From 1981 until 1985 I received the apparitions on a daily basis. During that period Our Lady dictated to me her biography. I wrote everything down. She also told me the future of the world and the future of our Church. When I have permission from Our Lady, this will be published

On the 7th May, 1985, I had the last daily apparition and that was the longest apparition that I have ever had because Our Lady stayed with me one hour.

On that day Our Lady gave me the final and tenth secret and I was told that I would not have the apparitions on a daily basis anymore, but Our Lady promised me that she was going to appear to me once a year on June 25.

 From 1985 to today I received the apparition once every year on June 25. But at that last daily apparition I was given the greatest gift, not just for myself but for the entire world. And because every single human being is asking is there a life after this life on earth, I am standing before you here today, I am standing before the entire world and I can easily answer that question. Yes, there is a life after this life, because by God and Our Lady I was given this great grace, that I was able to see my late mother during that apparition time and my mom told me: “My dear child, I’m proud of you.”

For 28 years Our Lady has been telling us which road we need to take in our life. She is showing us the way and we have to decide which road we are going to take in our life.

Medugorje Message of May 2019 : My children, from the beginning, I prayed for the Church. Therefore, I am also calling you, apostles of my love, to pray for the Church and her servants-for those whom my Son called.

Dear children, with a motherly love I am calling you to respond to the great love of my Son, with pure and open hearts, with complete trust. I know the greatness of His love. I carried Him within me, the Host in the heart, the light and the love of the world. My children,also my addressing you is a sign of the love and tenderness of the Heavenly Father-a big smile filled with the love of my Son, a call to eternal life.

Out of love, the Blood of my Son was shed for you. That Precious Blood is for your salvation, for eternal life. The Heavenly Father created man for eternal happiness. It is not possible-for you who know the love of my Son and who follow Him-to die. Life triumphed; my Son is alive. Therefore, my children, apostles of my love, may prayer show you the way and the means of spreading the love of my Son-prayer in the most exalted form.

My children, also when you strive to live the words of my Son, you are praying. When you love the people whom you meet, you are spreading the love of my Son. It is love that opens the doors of Paradise. My children, from the beginning, I prayed for the Church. Therefore, I am also calling you, apostles of my love, to pray for the Church and her servants-for those whom my Son called. Thank you.

Israel Folau could lose $4 million contract for quoting the Bible on sinfulness of homosexuality

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SYDNEY, Australia (LifeSiteNews) — Israel Folau, an evangelical Christian and rugby football star, was found guilty of breaching the Rugby Australia code of conduct for quoting St. Paul’s biblical teachings against fornication and homosexuality.
A three-person independent tribunal wrapped up on Tuesday three days of deliberations and found Folau guilty of a high-level breach of the code of conduct enforced by the governing body of Australian rugby teams. So far, no sanction has been announced against Folau. However, he may face cancellation of his $4 million contract and forgo a chance to appear in the forthcoming rugby world championship.