Bishop Mark Pivarunas, like Bishop Donald Sanborn, is not responding to reports which state that they deceptively interpreted Vatican Council II with a false premise to create a rupture with Tradition. They know they do so and want to carry on with the deception

Bishop Mark Pivarunas, like Bishop Donald Sanborn, is not responding to reports which state that they deceptively interpreted Vatican Council II with a false premise to create a rupture with Tradition. They know they do so and want to carry on with the deception.-Lionel Andrades

October 12, 2019

Bishop Mark Pivarunas and Fr. Benedict Hughes of the Congregatio Mariae Reginae Immaculatae(CMRI) use a lie and deception to change the interpretation of Vatican Council II, the Catechisms and the Athanasius Creed and now that they are informed they will not admit the error and announce a change.

October 11, 2019

Fr.Benedict Hughes CMRI and Bishop Mark Pivarunas do not deny that they assume unknown cases of BOD, BOB and I.I as being known exceptions to Feneeyite EENS. They also do not deny that they assume hypothetical and theoretical cases referenced in LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, Gs 22 etc as being literal and practical exceptions to EENS. So Vatican Council II is a rupture with Tradition for them and they have chosen sedevacantism.

October 15, 2019

There was a debate on Ecclesiology between Bishop Donald Sanborn and Prof. Robert Fastiggi and both of them interpreted Vatican Council II (LG 8 etc) as a rupture with Tradition( Syllabus of Errors, EENS etc).They confused invisible and unknown people as being known examples of salvation outside the Church. They confused unknown and hypothetical cases as being visible.

Archbishop Bruno Forte's book, La Chiesa della Trinita, is one of the recommended books for the Ecclesiology Semester at the St. John Lateran University, Rome.Forte accepts the dogma on the Trinity but not the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).So for him, the Catholic Church is Trinitarian but without exclusive salvation.He uses a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II.Then creates a rupture with the old ecclesiology.

Image result for Bruno Forte book, La Chiesa della Trinita
Archbishop Bruno Forte's book, La Chiesa della Trinita, is one of the recommended books for the Ecclesiology Semester at the St. John Lateran University, Rome.Forte accepts the dogma on the Trinity but not the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).So for him, the Catholic Church is Trinitarian but without exclusive salvation.He uses a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II.Then creates a rupture with the old ecclesiology.
Why is there no exclusive salvation upon which was based traditional mission ?
Pope Benedict answered this question in March 2016 in an interview with daily Avvenire. He said the Church no more teaches EENS according to the missionaries of the 16th century.Since there was ' a development' with Vatican Council II. He meant Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise, creates a non traditional conclusion.So the Council would indicate there are people saved outside the Church.This is 'a development' for him.
Exclusive salvation in the Church was made obsolete since there  was alleged known salvation outside the Church for him.With known salvation outside the Church there no more was  traditional mission.There was no more exclusive salvation in the Church.
This is what he calls a development with his Cushingite reasoning.
 Image result for Bruno Forte bishop
So with his interpretation of Vatican Council II emerges a new ecclesiology, new ecumenism and new evangelisation. This is really a new revelation too.
Bruno Forte, has repeated Cardinal Ratzinger's concept of ecclesiology and has changed the Church's teachings on faith and salvation.At one of the Synods his understanding on morals, mortal sin, homosexuality, giving the Eucharist to the divorced and remarried, also seemed non traditional.
Probably Bruno Forte and  Marcello Semeraro were asked to write a book on Ecclesiology, for use at the Pontifical universities, based on Ratzinger's model.The Church is communion, mystery, people of God, Sacrament etc but not the only Ark of Noah that saves in the flood and in which all need to enter.
For me Vatican Council II is Feeneyite so there is no change in the ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.There is no new revelation with the Council, no new development.-Lionel Andrades

September 21, 2019

 Image result for Ecclesiology of Pope Benedict cardinal ratzinger

Pope Benedict refers to the Church as Communion, Sacrament, Mystery and this does not exclude the Church as being the only Ark of Noah ( CCC 845) with exclusive salvation.The Church still is the only Ark of Noah that saves in the flood, it is the only Door to enter Heaven and it is the narrow gate. This is missing in Pope Benedict's ecclesiology of Vatican Council II.


September 4, 2019

Lumen Gentium does not contradict EENS


Miraculous Divine Mercy Image : Ugo Festa

 The Miracle of the Image - Ugo Festa

Image result for Ugo Festa
From Medjugorje Council of Ireland:
Ugo dedicated the rest of his life to spreading Divine Mercy, serving the poor and infirm in hospitals and on the streets in Italy and Africa. He would hand out Divine Mercy prayer cards and encourage people to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and venerate the Divine Mercy Image, as Christ Himself encouraged through St. Faustina in her visions in the 1930s. Christ promises many graces to those who venerate the image.
Ugo was diagnosed with cancer in 2005. He told his friends he wasn’t fearful. He put his trust in Jesus.
On the 22nd  May 2005, Ugo was found dead from gunshots to his head, in Italy. Two individuals were arrested. The motive is not known. A priest-friend, Father Seraphim Michalenko of the Divine Mercy shrine in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, consoled all, saying, “But he predicted this; he said that his work in the streets was putting his life in danger, but he was willing to die for it.”