Wednesday, October 23, 2019

To remain politically correct with the Left, LifeSites' Catholics edition has compromised on the interpretation of Vatican Council II and salvation doctrine.So the traditional teachings of the Church on mission,ecumenism, inter faith marriage etc have been rejected.

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Lifesites News in its reports and press meetings at the Vatican do not support Catholic theology and doctrine but instead affirm new and false doctrines approved by the Left.

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1.They still interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with the past exclusivist ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return.

2.With reference to the Synod Working Paper, which rejected exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church, LifeSite News did not quote Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation and that Catholics are the new people of God (Nostra Aetate 2, Vatican Council II).This is ecclesiocentrism.Anonymous Coetus responded with Chrstology and LifeSites overlooked it.

3.When exclusive salvation was rejected by the Synod in its Working Paper , Life Sites News quoted COETUS International, which referred to Dominus Iesus 14 and 16.It is is Christological and does not affirm ecclesiocentrism in the text.Most of Dominus Iesus is Christological. Some passages refer to a vague ecclesiocentrism.Even Cardinal Hummes could cite Dominus Iesus  14 and 16 and say the non Catholics in the Amazon are saved by Christ in their primitive religion.
4.For the Catholics at the St. Benedict Center, N.H there are no practical exceptions of BOD, BOB and I.I or LG 8 etc , in Vatican Council II, to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).There are no literal exceptions. This is common sense.It is something obvious to all people and not just Catholics.However the SBC are legally not Catholic for the Secretaries of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF). For the CDF, cases of being saved in invincible ignorance (CCC 847-848) are practical exceptions to traditional EENS as it was interpreted for example in the 16th century.
LifeSite News supports the CDF and the Left on this issue.So now when the Amazon Working Paper rejects exclusive salvation they do not know how to respond. Diane Monatagne at the Vatican Press briefing referred to the heresy of the Working Paper without mentioning what exactly was the heresy, supported by magisterial documents.
This is a rupture with the popes and saints on Baptism of desire(BOD),Baptism of Blood (BOB) and Invincible ignorance(I.I) and EENS. For the popes BOD, BOB and I.I referred to only hypothetical cases. They could not be anything else.So when they affirmed the strict interpretation of EENS, BOD, BOB and I.I were not exceptions.
To remain politically correct with the Left, LifeSites' Catholics edition has compromised on the interpretation of Vatican Council II and salvation doctrine.So the traditional teachings of the Church on mission,ecumenism, inter faith marriage etc have been rejected.-Lionel Andrades

We are Catholics and not just Christians was the message needed to brought out at the political Salvini-Meloni-Berlusconi political rally on Saturday. We have a common faith which says there is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church(AG 7, Vatican Council II, Catechism of the Catholic Church 845,846).

We are Catholics and not just Christians was the message    needed to brought out at the political Salvini-Meloni-Berlusconi political rally on Saturday.
We have a common faith which says there is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church(AG 7, Vatican Council II, Catechism of the Catholic Church 845,846).
 Image result for Photo  Salvini Meloni Ber meeting in Rome
This is our Faith which the Left is trying to change in Italy.Catholic priests are not allowed to talk about Hell,the Good Friday Prayer has to be changed and m no mission offices can be opened.These are some of the restrictions on Catholics in Catholic Italy.
Churches here have been taken over by the Government and placques on church doors say they are the property of the state.An lay committee appointed by the state overseas the working of the church and the priests.
Catholics are not free to proclaim the faith or worship God as they choose.But there is freedom for the things of Satan.
Evolution is taught in schools even though there is no scientific basis for it and children are taught to hate the Catholic Church and Catholic beliefs.
The leftist goverment and the European Union is attacking Italy's Catholic ethos through Muslim migration. The leftist slogan seems, in general emlpoyment, 'foreignors first'.This creates bad feelings among a populatiion which is coping with an invasion and not simple, legal and controlled immigration which they would welcome.
The Leftist Prime Minister tells Catholic politicians and Catholics in general when and where to pray the rosary, in the name of a personal Leftist ethic. Italy is a Catholic country and they are trying to change it.
-Lionel Andrades 

October 22, 2019

Salvini-Meloni-Berlusconi political meeting : the faith does not have a unity for them.When the political parties return to EENS with no exceptions , they have the support of the Catholic faith, in unity.Then the faith has a unity.


October 22, 2019

I hope Steve Bannon has not read Joseph Clifford Fenton, Archbishop Lefebvre, Michael Davies, Robert dei Mattei, Chris Ferrara and John Vennari and also Joseph Ratzinger and Cardinal Kasper.This is asking too much. But there is a mistake in the writings of these traditionalists and liberals.They support the Leftist ideology and prevent the Church from going back to Tradition. It is still possible to go back to Tradition and have a unity in our faith with one small move. Bannon and Harnwell have to interpret Vatican Council II as not being an exception to Tradition.


Silvio Berlusconi could have asked the Government to allow Catholics to follow the teachings of Vatican Council II interpreted rationally.This is their religious right.The Council presently is interpreted with a false premise and inference and there is a rupture with Tradition and this is approved by the Left, for the Catholic Church. Catholics are not aware of this.The educational level on the faith and religion is poor.

Silvio Berlusconi could have asked the Government  to allow Catholics to follow the teachings of Vatican Council II interpreted rationally.This is their religious right.The Council presently is interpreted  with a false premise and inference and there is a rupture with Tradition and this is approved by the Left, for the Catholic Church.
Catholics are not aware of this.The educational level on the faith and religion is poor.
 Image result for Photo  Salvini Meloni Ber meeting in Rome
The Parish Priest must be free to teach and proclaim the Faith and not meet conditions set by George Soros and the globalists.
Satanism must not be imposed on the Italians in the name of secularism and a false separation of Church and State.
Instead, Jesus  as he is known and understood in the Catholic Church must be the center of all political activity.For the popes over the centuries  there was no separation of Church and State.Since outside the Church there is no salvation, the priority was that all people become Catholic, with faith and baptism( AG 7, LG 14, Vatican Council II), since there are only Catholics in Heaven(AG 7).
Free abortion and gay marriage is Satanic and enters the domain of religion for the Left. Priests should be allowed to participate in politics as Satanism is allowed in society in the name if secularism and liberty, which is not there for the Catholic Church.
-Lionel Andrades

October 22, 2019

Salvini-Meloni-Berlusconi political meeting : the faith does not have a unity for them.When the political parties return to EENS with no exceptions , they have the support of the Catholic faith, in unity.Then the faith has a unity.



October 22, 2019

The Cushingite theology of Rahner and Ratzinger taught at pontifical universities and at SSPX and sedevacantist institutions support the Left. It creates a break with Catholic Tradition and becomes part of the agenda for a one world fake religion, approved by Satan.



Salvini spoke on immigration on Saturday and did not speak about the Catholic faith.

Salvini spoke on immigration on Saturday and did not speak about the Catholic faith. 
He could have said outside the Catholic Chruch there is no salvation. This is the teaching of the Catholic Church in Vatican Council II.
He could have asked the two popes, the cardinals and bishops to also announce that everyone needs to be a Catholic with 'faith and baptism'(AG 7) for salvation( to avoid the fires of Hell). This would include the immigrants . This is our Catholic belief.
The meeting could have begun with prayers and there could have priests available for Confession.
-Lionel Andrades

October 22, 2019

Salvini-Meloni-Berlusconi political meeting : the faith does not have a unity for them.When the political parties return to EENS with no exceptions , they have the support of the Catholic faith, in unity.Then the faith has a unity.


October 21, 2019

The interpretation of Vatican Council II by Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Diane Montagna is Masonic and so is that of Fr.John Zuhlsdorf and Roberto dei Mattei. It is modernist and superficial. It allows them to keep their privileges.