Sunday, January 19, 2020

Before they die they should set the record straight

Image result for Photo Pope Benedict and Archbishop Carlo Vigano

Liberal Pope Benedict approved married priests for the Anglicans and he approved Summorum Pontificum  which would make the Latin Mass officially and easily available without the exclusivist ecclesiology of the past Traditional Latin Mass. So he will appreciate the expected announcement on the Amazon Synod next month.
Before he dies, he does not want to interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).Then there would no more be a schism for him, with the  popes over the centuries on this issue.
Pope Benedict whose role as pope is confusing has skewered theology throughout  the Church and is ready to go to his Maker, without ending the scandal.
He seemed to support the Left and so Satan, reluctantly, but Pope Francis is doing the same with a flourish and a smile, on a bigger scale.
Personally, I am not moved. The faith does not change for me.I like Vatican Council II - but interpreted with Feeneyism, which the Left hates.
So when the priest during a homily, mentions Jesus I do not disconnect Jesus from the Catholic  Church and its teaching on exclusive salvation.For me it is not Jesus Christ in the Episcopalian Church, which approves gay marriages, and they are all going to Hell. It is not Jesus Christ, with the Protestants,who support abortion and contraceptives, and will be going to the same place as the Evangelicals, Pentecostals and Jehovah Witnesses. The Jews, Muslims,Buddhists and Hindus will also be there.
I love  Vatican Council II which is a great inspiration for the old, official theology of the Catholic Church, which the popes cannot affirm. They need to use a false premise and inference, to create a new theology and pretend it is Catholic and then they are allowed to live in peace.
For me outside the Church there is no salvation is a Conciliar teaching but Cardinal Hummes and the traditionalists do not know, or do not want to know, this.
I keep saying that there are no physical cases of someone being saved outside the Church with the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance (I.I).There are no physically visible cases of a non Catholic saved, as referenced in LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II.This is hard on many Catholics. Since they understand the implications.
The moment you say they are exceptions to EENS you are saying that there are visible cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc for them to be exceptions.Otherwise how could invisible cases be exceptions ? Yet this is the false reasoning of the popes since Paul VI to Francis.Even Archbishop Carlo Vigano, now out of hiding, reasons like this and thinks he is in the traditional Catholic Church and not the new approved-new religion within the Church.
He is orthodox on homosexuality and liberal on exclusive salvation.He  is Cushingite on Vatican Council II like the present liberal popes,but does not know that the Council can be interpreted without his false premise and inference.
Before he too dies he should set the record straight.
While Vigano was interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally as Nuncio to the USA, he and the traditionalists were criticizing Medugorje on doctrine.The traditionalists were using a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II, as does Kiko Arguello of the Neo Cathechumenal Way.
Now is the time for Pope Benedict and Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano to issue a clarification on the subject of Cushingism and Feeneyism, an error which has spread throughout the Catholic Church.
-Lionel Andrades

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