Thursday, January 30, 2020

Cardinal Marx and the German Bishops are giving out mis-information to the German people, the Government and the media. The Church-State relations are based upon a dishonest interpretation of Vatican Council II.

Cardinal Marx and the German Bishops are giving out mis-information to the German people, the Government and the media. The Church-State relations are based upon a dishonest interpretation of Vatican Council II. 
He needs to say it in public. Pope Benedict interpreted Vatican Council II with an irrational premise and inference.He books are misleading. They need to removed with their false philosophy and theology. 
It would be dishonesty for Cardinal Marx to keep Pope Benedict's  articles and books on line. In ecclesiology Pope Benedict interpreted LG 8, LG 14 and LG 16 as referring to visible and personally known non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church.He then projected Lumen Gentium as a break with the past ecclesiology of the Church. This error is there in the books of Pope Benedict at the German universities.This objective error is also mentioned to support the German Synodal Way with all its liberalism and innovation, with no rational basis in Vatican Council II.
All the books on Vatican Council II in the library of the Catholic University of Eichstadt-Ingolstadt, Bavaria in the diocese of Munich and Freising, interpret the Council with a false premise  and inference.This false interpretation of the Council II cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit. It cannot also be the theological basis for the  Synodal Path of Cardinal Marx.
It is now considered unethical for Pope Benedict to interpret unknown cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc  as being known exceptions  to the past ecclesiology of the German Catholics saints and martyrs of the Middle Ages.Similarly it would be dishonest for Cardinal Marx  to project LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc as being practical exceptinos to the past ecclesiology of the German Catholic Church over the centuries.He needs to make a correction.
The German bishops need to inform Catholics that LG 8, etc are not literal exceptions to the 16th century German interpretation of EENS and that over the last 50 years, the German bishops made a mistake in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.The Council really supports the ecclesiology of the Bishops of Freising since the 8th century.
The Synodal Path cannot interpret invisible cases of the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance as being a visible rupture with EENS as it was known.This was also the false interpretation of EENS and Vatican Council II , by Cardinal Hummes at the Amazon Synod.-Lionel Andrades

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