Sunday, January 12, 2020

Dominican Master General is in a rupture with past Dominicans with his irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II : false message in EWTN interview

Image result for Photo of Hell fires
Most people are going to Hell without Catholic faith and the baptism of water Jesus tells us in John 3:5.He says those who do not believe in Him in the only Church he founded are condemned(Mark 16:16).The Book of Revelation tells us that Hell has fire.Most people go to Hell Jesus tells us , since the road to Hell is wide and most people take it.Jesus says enter through the narrow gate, which is the Catholic Church with its faith and moral teachings and the Sacraments, through which Jesus saves people from going to Hell.

This is not being taught by the professors at the pontifical universities who interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and superficially since they are afraid of Leftist laws which do not permit freedom of opinion and worship for Christians, while there is freedom for things-evil.
Similarly if we study Vatican Council II we will find that the Council says all need faith and baptism for salvation.Ad Gentes 7 states all need faith and baptism for salvation. All.It is not only those who know about Jesus and the Church but all.
Vatican Council II is telling us that when we meet a non Catholic we know that he is on the way to Hell.Those who are outside the Catholic Church without faith and the baptism of water are Hell-bound.
The Council is also telling us that other Christians, non Catholics, do not have Catholic faith.This is the faith and moral teachings of the Church and also the interpretation of the Bible according to Catholic Tradition.They also do not have the baptism of water in the Catholic Church. So they too are oriented to Hell.
It is not enough to just believe in Jesus.Even a Catholic has to avoid mortal sins.He needs absolution in the  Sacrament of Confession when he commits a mortal sin.Protestants divorce and contracep officially according to their churches and communities and they are going to Hell.
It is similar to a Catholic, if dies in unrepentant and unabsolved mortal sin,he is still gong to Hell, even if he believes in general in Jesus.
This has been the teaching of the Catholic Church  for centuries and it is supported by Vatican Council II  when it is interpreted rationally and honestly.
So it is important to be a Catholic. There are only Catholics in Heaven.
It is important to be a Catholic who follows the Bible, Sacred Tradition and Vatican Council II interpreted rationally.It is also important for the popes to interpret Vatican Council II rationally and not according to Satan, who wants to create a rupture  with Catholic Tradition and the popes of the past on EENS etc.
Tell your professor friends  at the pontifical universities to come back to the Catholic faith. To go on mission and preach the Gospel.
Tell Fr. Gerard Francisco Timoner III, the new Master of the Order, of the Dominicans that the Gospel has not changed but he and the Dominicans have changed the Gospel with their irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II.
I know that the Gospel is different for him and for me.Since we interpret Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms differently.He uses a false premise and I do not.He is a Cushingite and I am a Feeneyite.So we are in the same Church but are interpretation of magisterial documents is not the same. I am rational and traditional while he is not.Since our theology is different the doctrines we follow would also be different.
In the interview with EWTN ( see video below)he says that the mission of the Dominicans does not change. It is the preaching of the Gospel, he emphasizes, that it does not change.But this is not the same Gospel taught by the Master Generals who followed St. Dominic,like  Gordan of Saxony and Raymond of Capua.There is a big change for Timoner because of his  irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II.
The Dominicans today are in an obvious rupture with those  at the time of St. Thomas Aquinas and it is a new Gospel which they preach which is not Catholic.
They have a choice. They can interpret Vatican Council II rationally and then preach the Gospel. But none of them are even talking about it.Neither are their Dominican Studies at Blackfriars, Oxford on this subject. All the books written by the Dominicans and others at Oxford University,on Vatican Council II,  interpret the Council II with a false premise and inference. So their understanding of other faiths and salvation is no more Catholic.-Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 7, 2020

Image result for cFr. Gerard Francisco Timoner

The Master General of the Dominicans, Fr. Gerard Francisco Timoner III cannot issue a statement or clarification since he does not have the faith, or he could be removed from office, for expressing it.

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