Friday, January 3, 2020

Excommunicated Scottish hermits now have the freedom to interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise and preach the Gospel according to the popes and saints over the centuries, on no salvation outside the Church.

The Christmas-eve- excommunicated Scottish hermits now have the freedom to interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise and preach the Gospel according to the popes and saints over the centuries, on no salvation outside the Church. They are not hampered by the false interpretation of Vatican Council II,of the local bishop supported by the cardinals and present two popes.They can tell the people, in Scotland and elsewhere, that outside the Church, everyone is going to Hell.This was the real teaching of Vatican Council II if it was interpreted rationally.All need faith and baptism for salvation (Ad Gentes 7).
They could also announce that we do not know of any one saved with good and holy things in other religions( Nostra Aetate) and 'that ray of Truth which enlightens all men'( Nostra Aetate 2) .So it is important to be a Catholic in the Catholic Church and to follow the traditional teachings on faith and morals which do not change.Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
The hermits, could also announce that it is a mortal sin for Catholics to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and so change the meaning of the Creeds and Catechisms and to reject traditional mission and evangelisation based upon exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
Those who reject exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church-like the Scottish bishops and their Curias.- are automatically excommunicated.
The Scottish hermits say they are Catholic and have not rejected the general teachings of the Catholic Church.
The Episcopal Commission for the Evangelization of Peoples and Missionary Cooperation among the churches in Scotland, with Cardinal Angelo Beschi as President in Rome,is based upon false doctrines , since the interpretation of Vatican Council II is irrational. It creates a Christology without an ecclesiocentric ecclesiology.
-Lionel Andrades

MAY 15, 2019

Diocescan Offices for Pastoral Mission to usher in New Religion within the Catholic Church

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