Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Professors of theology at the St.John Lateran university Rome send students to the university library to research Vatican Council II and all the books available are based on a false interpretation of the Council.From Hans Kung to Brunero Gherardino, the authors used a false premise to interpret the Council as a rupture with Tradition.

Image result for photo st.John Lateran University library
Professors of theology at the St.John Lateran university Rome send students to the university library to research Vatican Council II and all the books available are based on a false interpretation of the Council.From Hans Kung to Brunero Gherardino, the authors used a false premise to interpret the Council as a rupture with Tradition.
When I mention Gherardino I think of the Franciscans of the Immaculate who also were interpreting the Council with the false premise and did not know that they had a choice. That choice is still available today for Fr. Stefano Manelli who can unite both the groups of the community, since the issue is not the Latin Mass but the interpretation of Vatican Council II in harmony with EENS.
Image result for photo st.John Lateran University library
At the John Lateran University students return with books on Vatican Council II based on an irrational premise which creates a non traditional conclusion.
There is no book available in the library which interpret Vatican Council II without this false premise and inference. Before 1965  the Roman College, was known for its Catholic orthodoxy and integrity . The university offers a theology program for lay people  based upon all this confusion. Confused  listeners sit in the audience as confused speakers, lecture in the parishes.-Lionel Andrades

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