Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The publishers of Pope Benedict's books in German must note that he used a false premise and inference to interpret Vatican Council II as a break with Tradition and this is not only bad philosophy and bad theology it is unethical and dishonest.

The publishers of Pope Benedict's books in German must note that he used a false premise and inference to interpret Vatican Council II as a break with Tradition and this is not only bad philosophy and bad theology it is unethical and dishonest. 
Vatican Council II can be interpreted without the false premise and inference and the conclusion would support the past ecclesiology, 16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and the traditional ecumenism of return. But this interpretation is no way there in any of the German pope's books published by private publishers and the Vatican Publishing House.
 Salz der Erde: Christentum und katholische Kirche im 21. Jahrhundert. - Ein Gespräch mit Peter Seewald Image result for ò Kirche, Ökumene und Politik: Neue Bestrebungen in der Ekklesiologie Papa Benedetto Die Freiheit befreien: Glaube und Politik im dritten Jahrtausend

Credo: Meditationen zum GlaubensbekenntnisTheologisch denken mit Benedikt XVI.

There are numerous books published by different publishers expressing Pope Benedict's theology and thought. With the false premise Pope Benedict has changed the understanding of the Nicene and Apostles Creed and made the Athanasius Creed obsolete.This is first class heresy.

Pope Paul VI too had a choice. He could have interpreted Vatican Council II rationally and in harmony with Tradition ( Athanasius Creed, Catechism of Pope Pius X etc).German publishers need to be informed that this interpretation of Vatican Council II is deceptive and subterfuge. A correction and apology is due from Joseph Raztinger.-Lionel Andrades

Die Ekklesiologie der Konstitution Lumen gentium - Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger - Benedictus XVI 


January 27, 2020

The former Archbishop of Munich's books published by Ignatius Press have an in- principle error.The German Joseph Ratzinger's books were written with an irrational premise to create an artificial rupture with Tradition on Vatican Council II, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Nicene Creed and other magisterial documents.There should be an apology from Pope Benedict and Ignatius Press.   https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/01/the-former-archbishop-of-munichs-books.html


January 26, 2020

Acies ordinata in München

Cardinal Reinhardt Marx needs to review the books on Vatican Council II in Germany. They have a built-in error.New books need to be written on the Council 



JANUARY 26, 2020

News agency reports of the past on Vatican Council II need to be corrected officially by Cardinal Reinhardt Marx and German News Agencies and also the Federal Press Conference Association (BPK-Bundespressekonferenz)

JANUARY 24, 2020

Questions and Answers

JANUARY 25, 2020

When the popes and the traditionalists use a false premise and inference to interpret the Council it is not just another opinion or theology, it is subterfuge. It is telling a lie officially




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