Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Society of St.Pius X (SSPX Italy ) could remove all the books on Vatican Council II by Cristina Siccardi, Paulo Pasqualucci and others which they sell at the SSPX chapels in central Rome and Albano.

 Image result for Photo Paolo Petrucci sul Concilio Vaticano IIImage result for Photo Paolo Petrucci sul Concilio Vaticano II
The Society of St.pius X(SSPX) could remove all the books on Vatican Council II by Cristina Siccardi and Paulo Pasqualucci and others which they sell at the SSPX chapels in central Rome and Albano. 

 Image result for Photo Paolo Pasqualucci

Vatican Council II is interpreted with a false premise and then the Council is criticized. The books by Roberto dei Mattei and others also being sold by the SSPX are in this bad genre and need to be removed.The authors should be asked to issue a clarification and apology.We assume their error was innocent.
-Lionel Andrades

 Image result for Photo Paolo Petrucci sul Concilio Vaticano II

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