Friday, January 3, 2020

We can accept St. Emerentiana and St. Victor as saints but to assume that they are in Heaven without the baptism of water is speculation. The Church does not name any one who had the gift to see them in Heaven without the baptism of water.


It is indeed Church doctrine that one must be a Catholic to be saved, but the Feeneyites maintain a heretically narrow definition of who qualifies as a Catholic. They insist that membership in the Church is determined strictly be externals.
Lionel: Practically and visibly the baptism of water and Catholic faith are necessary for adults, to receive salvation.(John 3:5, Mark 16:16 etc).
Feeneyites also reject Baptism of Desire (from Trent) and Baptism of Blood which is a form of Baptism of Desire. Sts. Emerentiana and Victor were both martyred for the faith when they were still UNBAPTIZED catechumans, yet the Church has declared them to be in Heaven.
Lionel: They affirm the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance as being hypothetical and theoretical only. It cannot be anything else.So they are not rejected.
We can accept St. Emerentiana and St. Victor as saints but to assume that they are in Heaven without the baptism of water is speculation. The Church does not name any one who had the gift to see them in Heaven without the baptism of water.
From Roman Martyrology:
At Braga, in Portugal, St. Victor, martyr, who although only a catechumen, refused to adore an idol, and confessed Jesus Christ with great constancy. After suffering many tortures, he was beheaded, and thus merited to be baptized in his own blood.
At Rome, the holy virgin and martyr Emerentiana. Being yet only a catechumen, she was stoned to death by the Gentiles, whilst praying at the tomb of St. Agnes, her foster-sister
Lionel. St.Thomas Aquinas referred to the man in the forest in invincible ignorance who would be saved because God would send a preacher to him. So being saved in invincible ignoranc was not an exception to the strict interpretation of EENS, which Aquinas affirmed.
St. Francis Xavier mentions that God had sent people who were dead back to life only to be baptised with water.-Lionel Andrades

OCTOBER 12, 2018

How can St.Emerentiana be an exception to the Feeneyite interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus in 2018?


JANUARY 30, 2018

The way you look at St. Emerentiana decides how you interpret Vatican Council II

St.Emerentiana a possibility - how is she relevant to extra ecclesiam nulla salus?

OCTOBER 11, 2018

Repost : St.Emerentiana is not an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Feeneyite version, in 2015

 JANUARY 24, 2018


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