Tuesday, February 25, 2020

All the bishops present at Bari use the irrational premise, false inference and false conclusion to create an artificial rupture with the traditional Professio Fidei.So they now affirm a false and new Profession of Faith.It supports the irrational premise, inference and conclusion. It makes Magisterial documents non magisterial.So they support heresy and schism to be in full communion with the Church. The new concept of Church is supported by the New Theology, the Rahner-Ratzinger Theology based upon the irrational interpretation of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance.

Image result for photo bishops at Bari youtube

All the bishops present at Bari use the irrational premise, false inference and false conclusion to create an artificial rupture with the traditional Professio Fidei.So they now affirm a false and new Profession of Faith.It supports the irrational  premise, inference and conclusion. It makes Magisterial documents non magisterial.So they support heresy and schism to be in full communion with the Church.

The new concept of Church is supported by the New Theology, the Rahner-Ratzinger Theology based upon the irrational interpretation of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance.-Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 25, 2020

The Professio Fidei of the CDF supports the irrational premise, inference and conclusion

FEBRUARY 25, 2020

Repost : Cardinal Ratzinger's Professio Fidei is based upon the use of the irrational premise,inference and conclusion in the interpretation of magisterial documents including Vatican Council

FEBRUARY 25, 2020

Repost : Cardinal Luiz Ladaria's Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity at the time of taking office as Secretary and now Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was invalid. : norm preceded by cardinals Ratzinger and Ottaviani

FEBRUARY 25, 2020

Repost : Profession of faith : I believe in the Holy Catholic Church

FEBRUARY 25, 2020

Repost : Msgr.Nicola Bux would make a Profession of Faith with an irrational premise and inference


FEBRUARY 25, 2020

Repost : So we are all in the same Church but the Profession of Faith does not have the same meaning.

FEBRUARY 25, 2020

Repost : CDF Doctrinal Commentary – Professio fidei is meaningless and heretical

FEBRUARY 25, 2020

Repost : CDF Doctrinal Professio Fidei is a scandal

FEBRUARY 25, 2020

Repost :The SSPX and the Franciscans of the Immaculate (F.I) must ask Pope Benedict and the College of Cardinals to recant



FEBRUARY 25, 2020

All the bishops who were present at Bari use the irrational premise, false inference and false conclusion to create an artificial rupture with the Catechism of Pope Pius X, the Syllabus of Errors of Pius IX and the Athanasius Creed

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