Thursday, February 6, 2020

All the USCCB-approved books on Vatican Council II are based upon this model

-Lionel Andrades

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 Committee on Doctrine United States Conference of Catholic Bishops THE PERMISSION TO PUBLISHA Resource for Diocesan and Eparchial Bishops on the Approvals Needed to Publish Various Kinds of Written Works
 Appendix 7 
Sample Decree Withdrawing Ecclesiastical AuthorizationPreviously Granted to a Written Work 
 On [DATE], a rescript granting ecclesiastical authorization to [NAME OFBOOK], by [NAME OF AUTHOR], was issued by [NAME OF GRANTOR].After subsequent consideration, it has been judged inappropriate to allow thistext to continue to carry the notice of approval that was previously granted. [ABRIEF SUMMARY OF THE REASONS PROMPTING THE REMOVAL,INCLUDING THE PROCEDURAL STEPS TAKEN PRIOR TO ISSUINGTHE DECREE, MAY BE CITED.] Therefore, I, the undersigned, [BISHOP OF N], in virtue of my pastoral andteaching office within the Diocese [or Eparchy], and in conformity with theCode of Canon Law[or the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches], herebyrevoke the approval that was granted to this text.This decree is effective immediately upon its notification. Henceforth, the[ORIGINAL DATE] rescript granting approval to the abovementioned textmay no longer be cited in future editions of the work. 

 SEAL   The Permission to Publish

Voices of Vatican II - DVDCCC - USCCA Book Ad montage

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