Saturday, February 22, 2020

Croatian Government which opposes Freemasonry still officially interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and conclusion instead of the rational option

  Image result for Photo  Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic

Croatian Freemason Resigns as Attorney General

Prime Minister Plenkovic had previously indicated that the government would dismiss Jelenic, if he did not resign.

Zagreb ( Croatian attorney general Drazen Jelenic has resigned after pleading for Freemasonry. This was reported by the "New York Times". Jelenic stated that this "membership in a legal association" had in no way influenced his work, but recent insinuations in this context would have made his further work as attorney general impossible. "The resignation took place on Wednesday, not least due to pressure from top politicians. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic had indicated that the Jelenic would be dismissed by the government if he did not resign. Although there is no illegal state of affairs here, the prime minister said, membership makes his position as attorney general difficult. Jelenic has been Attorney General since 2018.  Some members of the conservative HZD Party said he should have made his membership clear before he assumed office.

They could choose to officially interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and conclusion.



-Lionel Andrades


February 15, 2020

Croatian Conference of Bishops and the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bishop Henrik Hoser the Apostolic Visitor and the Franciscan religious community at Medugorje interpret Vatican Council II with the irrational premise, inference and conclusion, instead of the rational one.

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