Thursday, February 13, 2020

For more information on Only The Catholic Church ( Solamente La Chiesa Cattolica ) contact me

Do you know that the Catholic Church teaches that outside the Church there is no salvation ? Do you know that this is taught in Vatican Council II ?
Most Catholics do not know this.
They do not know the Catholic faith.
Since there is no one to teach them about it.
Do you believe that there are only Catholics in Heaven? I do.This is the teaching of the Catholic Church in (and after) Vatican Council II.
For more information contact me.If you are a Catholic and  would like to speak informally with me in Rome, free( no charge),  about the writings on my blog contact me. There is a lot of confusion in the Church today.
I do not travel outside Rome. I do not use the telephone.Nor do I ask for donations.

Lionel Andrades,
Catholic lay man in Rome

Please note : I am not against any religion, culture,people or race.I am only proclaiming the Catholic faith without confusing what is implicit as explicit, invisible as visible, a common mistake made today by most Catholics.

 Image result for Photo our lady of guadalupe


February 4, 2020

Write books

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