Saturday, February 22, 2020

I have often heard it said that the Church cannot go back, the Church cannot go to the past, but if you use the rational model to interpret Vatican Council II you take the Catholic Church back to the past,It's with one simple action.We are back to Tradition. It is so simple that people at first do not believe it.The innovation over the last 81 years with the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office (LOHO), ends.

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I have often heard it said that the Church cannot go back, the Church cannot go to the past, but if you use the rational model to interpret Vatican Council II you take the Catholic Church back to the past,It's with one simple action.We are back to Tradition. It is so simple that people at first do not believe it.The innovation over the last 81 years with the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office (LOHO), ends.




-Lionel Andrades

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