Sunday, February 16, 2020

In Italy, Church and State are not separated. The Church supports the Left. The Church is separated from Catholic values in law and politics.

In Italy, Church and State are not separated. The Church supports the Left. The Church is separated from Catholic values in law and politics.
The Left supports the Church and the pope is seen as a great messenger of the Communists, Socialists and New World Order. He is a friend of Obama and not Trump.He is not seen as a Catholic but as a member of a secret society.We need a separation of the Church from the secular Satanic state.
We need a pope, either one of them, who will oppose Satan world wide. Even choose to be a martyr. He will always be replaced by another pope.
So what if he loses the Vatican by proclaiming the truth and the faith ? So what if the present leftist government in Italy would take over Church property as it has happened historically.
Our strength is the faith. It's teachings and doctrines do not change.The Church is still opposed to usury. It still teaches outside the Church there is no salvation, in Vatican Council II.Extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) is the teaching of the Conciliar Church.For me the primary and only source of reference for EENS, could be Vatican Council II. The Council interpreted rationally.One does not have to be a Feeneyite citing only the dogma EENS or the Catechism of Pope Pius X.There is Vatican Council II which does not mention any exceptions to the traditional teaching on exclusive salvation.
 This may not be obvious within a leftist envirornment but the teachings are there for all who want to follow them.
The present popes seem separated from the Catholic State even though the Vatican is a political entity and represents the only way to go to Heaven,with the  Catholic Sacraments and body of knowledge.
The Vatican may produce its own postage stamp but it does not oppose abortion as does Trump. It may have its own penitentiary but it does not oppose heresy as did the popes. It does not affirm traditional theology and doctrine nor put Catholics in the dock for schism.The Vatican is a political state and a leftist one.
The Vatican police it is being reported is in search for Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano for opposing homosexuality when in reality, the Vatican should be giving Vigano sanctuary for opposing homosexuality as a moral issue.It does not call a sin.
What type of Church do we have today ? A leftist one-with the non separation of new-Chruch with old Satanic secularism, in the name of peace.
We have peace and we have prosperity but we do not have the faith. Individually Catholics have the faith but as a political body, a society, the popes have lost it.
Matteo Salvini is no St.Thomas More but their situations have a similarity.-Lionel Andrades

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