Thursday, February 6, 2020

Pope Francis should not expect Catholics to take him seriously since his credibility drops, like that of Pope Benedict, when they use a false premise,inference and conclusion to interpret Vatican Council II and so avoid the rational alternative. .They need to issue a correction.

Pope Francis should not expect Catholics to take him seriously since his credibility drops, like that of Pope Benedict, when they use a false premise,inference and conclusion  to interpret Vatican Council II and so avoid the rational alternative.They need to issue a correction.

What is the credibility of a Pope Francis on climate change when he wants Catholics to consider unknown cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc , as being known people  in the present times, alive in 1965-2020 and saved outside the Church. Invisible and unknown non Catholics cannot be practical exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). Pope Francis needs exceptions to the traditional teaching on there being exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. Otherwise he would be saying that the Church still has a superiority and exclusiveness in salvation.But exceptions means real people whose names and surnames are known and who are visible.
What is the credibility of the popes  who want Catholics  to consider LG 8 etc as being literal examples of salvation outside the Church, even though  we cannot know of any such cases in real life.
How can any one take the popes seriously  when invisible cases of LG 8 etc are projected as visible exceptions to the past ecclesiocentric ecclesiology of the Catholic Church and the strict interpretation of EENS?-Lionel Andrades

February 6, 2020

Pope Francis' books also follow this model : They interpret the Council with the false premise, inference and conclusion.

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