Monday, February 17, 2020

Report in Italian bishops daily newspaper Avvenire mentions 'plague of multiple abortions':does not condemn it : hospital emergency rooms in Rome used for quick abortions

Translation from Italian:
The words of the leader of the League Matteo Salvini on abortion are debatable. Here is what he said on Sunday 16 in Rome, speaking at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome: "In Milan, and not in Rome, I was informed by nurses and emergency -room doctors - and we are investigating - that some women, not from Rome nor from Milan, they showed up for the sixth time for a termination of pregnancy, "he said. "Now, I don't go into the merits of a choice that belongs only to the woman. It is not my job or the state's job to give moral or ethics lessons to anyone and it is right for the woman to choose for herself and her life. However, you can't get to take the emergency room(of the hospital)  as the one-stop solution evidently uncivilized lifestyle for 2020 ".
The phrase sparked numerous reactions, political and otherwise.

But what is true and what is false in Salvini's words?

The first observation(of this writer) is that women do not go to abortion in the emergency room. The procedure is still set by the law 194 of 1978 which provides for a gynecological examination, also in the Consultory, a suspension period of 7 days and then the procedure (both surgical and pharmacological) in a hospital or in an authorized center.This is within the term of 90 days from conception. So, no First Aid. If we talk about the next day's pills, the path is different but passes through the pharmacies, not the emergency room.

The second observation is on the numbers: relapses exist, all right. In the report of the Ministry of Health for 2017 (last available, published in January 2019), we read that 0.9 percent of the women who underwent IVG in 2017 (in total 80,733, steadily decreasing since 1982) had  4 or more previous abortions (a minimal percentage, therefore), that 1.4 had had 3 previous ones, that 5.1 percent had 2 previous ones.

The third observation regards foreigners, those who have entered Salvini's sights: in 2017 the Ivg performed by foreign women are 30.3 percent of the total. The percentage is highest in the north-central part of the country. "In any case, these are women who are generally resident or domiciled in our country," explains the report.

The "lifestyles", however, have nothing to do with it, or to a small extent: if it is true that in some cases abortion is experienced as emergency contraception (but above all with the use of the pills the next day), the most frequent situation of those who practice consecutive abortions is that of material and cultural poverty, loneliness and abuse. Of which women are more often victims than guilty.

But there is a positive element with respect to this para-political controversy: a hidden and secret wound has emerged. The plague is not that of multiple abortions, which is abundantly known, but of the loneliness and abandonment in which women face an unwanted pregnancy. This yes, it should be discussed.

"Hands off women", the slogan chosen by the leader of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti to answer Salvini on Facebook is another thing that cannot be shared: it should be translated: arms open to women. With the support provided for and never implemented by law 194, which is not by chance also called "Law containing rules for the social protection of motherhood".


Roma. L'aborto, le donne e gli "stili di vita incivili": la verità dietro gli slogan

  lunedì 17 febbraio 2020 

 La frase del leader della Lega Salvini a Roma sulle Ivg plurime "gratis" nei Pronto soccorso nasconde una drammatica realtà: quella dei mancati sostegni alla maternità difficile 

 L'aborto, le donne e gli "stili di vita incivili": la verità dietro gli slogan

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