Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Robert Royal reviews books about Pope Francis. The writers have interpreted Vatican Council II with a false premise,inference and conclusion as do Pope Francis, Pope Benedict and Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Robert Royal reviews books about Pope Francis. The writers have  interpreted Vatican Council II with a false premise,inference and conclusion  as do Pope Francis, Pope Benedict and Fr. John Zuhlsdorf .
Austen Ivereigh’s The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope
Henry Sire’s The Dictator Pope: The Inside Story of the Francis Papacy
George Neumayr’s The Political Pope: How Pope Francis is Delighting the Liberal Left and Abandoning Conservatives
John Gehring’s The Francis Effect: A Radical Pope’s Challenge to the American Catholic Church
Philip Lawler’s Lost Shepherd: How Pope Francis Is Misleading His Flock
Ross Douthat’s To Change the Church: Pope Francis and the Future of Catholicism

-Lionel Andrades

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