Thursday, February 6, 2020

Tennis legend Margaret Court becomes familiar with controversy | Nine Ne...

Tennis Australia bans Margaret Court from using microphone because she believes in marriage and disagrees with sodomy - video

 Please note :

This report/video is from the Most Holy Family Monastery, USA website.I am not a sedevacantist.I agree with the MHFM on EENS and disagree with Pope Francis and Pope Benedict on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Both the popes interpret EENS with the false premise, inference and conclusion.

I do not agree with the MHFM and the present two popes on Vatican Council II. They all use the irrational premise,inference and conclusion to interpret the Council.On Vatican Council II they are Cushingites and I am a Feeneyite. 

Peter and Michael Dimond do not use the false premise and inference to interpret EENS but they make the common mistake with Vatican Council II.-L.A


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