Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Clergy offer clandestine Masses as Bishops capitulate to Coronavirus : Catholics slam opening of borders while closing churches.


by Jules Gomes  •  ChurchMilitant.com  •  March 3, 2020    

Catholics slam opening of borders while closing churches.

ROME (ChurchMilitant.com) - Catholics deprived of Mass are berating the bishops for "cowardice" in the face of the coronavirus crisis, while clergy afraid of being disciplined are celebrating the Eucharist "clandestinely" to small groups of the faithful in Northern Italy.   
In an open letter to the archbishop of Turin, Catholic campaigner Angela Ciconte shames the bishops of "all the dioceses of Northern Italy" for "abandoning" and "betraying" the faithful and "submitting as cowards to political correctness" by shutting down churches in the region while "mosques and shopping centers" remain open.  
"It is strange to hear of a church that has recently defined itself as an outgoing church and field hospital — to see it transform even faster than the infection itself into a self-closed church for fear of health," Ciconte, organizer of the "Rosary of Reparation" against the gay pride parade in Turin, writes to Abp. Cesare Nosiglia.  
Ciconte is also protesting the "unconditional" imposition of communion in the hands instead of on the tongue and appealing to the archbishop to withdraw his directive.

"The bars are open and the churches are closed. If our priests are too terrified to keep them open, we will keep them open," she warns. Medical doctor Silvana De Mari, another voice challenging the acquiescence of the hierarchy to the fear of infection, is demanding the re-opening of churches in the region. 

The physician highlights the irony of the bishops' response: "In the event of an epidemic, the first gesture of elementary prudence and common sense is to close the borders." Instead, the "new Church 3.0" wants open borders but closed churches. "The new Church 3.0 imposes on Italians an immigration of people who are often tested positive for scabies, tuberculosis and AIDS, but are they terrorized by coronavirus?" she asks.  

"Closing churches during an epidemic is an atheistic gesture, so we note that a good part of the new Church 3.0 is completely atheist. Completely atheist and completely aligned with the elites who want the destruction of the Christian European civilization, but above all of Italy which is its heart," Dr. Mari adds.  
Appealing to Catholics to "go to church, kneel down, ask for forgiveness of all our infinite sins," the medic says "the worst thing that can happen with coronavirus is to die."
But "the worst thing that can happen with closed churches is to live without God's will," which is "a hundred thousand times worse than death," she observes.
It is an underground Mass, celebrated in disobedience to the bishop's dictates but in obedience to the mandate of Christ.

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