Monday, March 9, 2020

Holy Mass held in Rome

Inspite of the Decree of the national Government Holy Mass was held on Saturday and Sunday in Rome. Though some churches were closed.
There was no shaking of  hands or the kiss of peace at.People had to sit only two in a pew.
I received the Eucharist kneeling as always and on my tongue. 
It seems like it is the holiday season here. There were few people on the metro. However in the evenings and at night the buses are usually packed with passengers.Many of them without the prescribed precautions.
Priests living in Rome and the Vatican City can continue to offer Mass in private. Parishes in Rome will remain open for personal prayer before the tabernacle, the diocese said.
The Italian bishops conference issued a statement on March 8 explaining that the Italian government’s decree “suspends civil and religious ceremonies, including funeral ceremonies, throughout the country until Friday, 3 April.”
-Lionel Andrades

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