Tuesday, March 10, 2020

It's Ferraragosto once again in Rome

Passanti davanti a una chiesa romana
It seems like Ferraragosto once again.The month of August and the holidays are here. It is a good time for prayer and recolection.The noise is no more there. The crowds are gone.So it is easier to stay in the present moments with Jesus and Our Lady.Usually for me, August is the best time in Rome.There are less tourists and the residents travel to other parts of Italy.
It was un-necessary for them to close the churches since last Saturday and Sunday there was Mass with the precautions.Signs were placed on the pews saying only two persons are allowed.They had to keep their distance.The centrial part of the pew, it was written, had to be kept vacant.
There was no exchange of peace and the shaking of hands at Mass in Italian.The holy water fonts are empty.
Communion was distributed on the hand or tongue and the priest chose not to wear a hygiene mask.
Now private Masses are allowed and they are being telecast on social media, for those who want to follow them.
In the late evenings the public buses are still packed with  people standing in each others breathing space.It is uncomfortable seeing people with different types of masks.Though most people on the streets of Rome are not wearing masks and are going about their work normally. It is known that many people who have had the corona virus have recoved, as they do over time, with influenza.
The restaurants are open but empty and the waiters can be seeing standing outside talking idly to each other.
Probably by the end of this month the situation will be controlled and there will be no reports of an epidemic- the killer from Wuhan, China.
Sanitary guidlines are placed on the doors of the passenger buses and the 10 points include one which says do not reject any packet which states, 'Made in China'.
The problem comes after severe persecution of Christians in China, Pope Francis' Panchamama adventure, Trump's enforcing pro sodomy laws world wide and so many other things, which would displease God. Now restricted to their house due to fear, more people will have an opportunity to think at leisure of their Creator .-Lionel Andrades



MARCH 7, 2020

Hell exists and most people are going there according to Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7) since they die without faith and the baptism of water which are needed for salvation

10 Quotes About Hell from the Saints that Just Might Scare You Into Heaven

by  - 

Public Domain
Hell is a real place. You don’t want to go there!
All of us will eventually die and face judgement before God. If we die in Christ, we’ll go to heaven (with perhaps a temporary period of cleansing in Purgatory first). If we die in mortal or Original sin, then we go straight away to hell for all eternity, with no hope for redemption.
If that scares you, that okay. Yes, we should choose God out of love, but the Church has always taught that the threat of eternal punishment can have a very salutary effect on leading people away from sin and toward God.
So repent! And spread the Gospel of salvation in Christ to your neighbors.

Here are 10 quotes from the saints about this real place of punishment:

1) “I am filled with fear and trembling, and all my bones are shaken at the thought of that unhappy country of the damned.”

St. Bernard

2) “I saw the torments of hell and those of purgatory; no words can describe them. Had poor mortals the faintest idea of them, they would suffer a thousand deaths rather than undergo the least of their torments during a single day.”

St. Catherine of Siena

3) “Poor Judas! Above seventeen hundred years have elapsed since he has been in Hell, and his Hell is still only beginning.”

St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

4) “The natural fire that we see during this life has great power to burn and torment. Yet this is not even a shadow of the fire of Hell.”

St. Anthony Mary Claret

5) “The wicked bodies of the condemned shall simmer and blaze in those living fires.”

St. Cyprian of Carthage

6) “Alas! Of what kind is that place of wailing and of gnashing of teeth… at which even Satan shudders? O Woe! What kind of place is it, where the unsleeping worm dies not? What dread misery to be sent into outer darkness? Of what kind of angels placed over these torments, who pitiless and frightful, punish by casting in there, while at the same time the reproach most grievously? Then shall those already in the midst of the torments cry out with pleading voices, and there will be no one to speak for them to the Lord, and they shall not be heard.”

St. Ephrem of Syria

7) “Let us fancy we see hell, and imagine what is worst to behold – a horrible cavern full of black flames. Sulphur, devils, dragons, fire, swords, arrows, and innumerable damned who roar in despair. Imagine the worst you can, and then say, ‘All this is nothing compared to hell.'”

St. Ignatius of Loyola

8) “No more is it possible for the evildoer, the avaricious, and the treacherous to hide from God than it is for the virtuous. Every man will receive the eternal punishment or reward which his actions deserve. Indeed, if all men recognized this, no one would choose evil even for a short time, knowing that he would incur the eternal sentence of fire. On the contrary, he would take every means to control himself and to adorn himself in virtue, so that he might obtain the good gifts of God and escape the punishments.”

St. Justin Marytr

9) “Alas! I could not bear the sight of them. How could I, as the mere noise of these despairing yells caused me an unbearable horror?”

St. Lydwine of Schiedam

10) “Do not neglect the grace that is offered to you. The God who offers the sinner pardon, does not promise him tomorrow.”

St. Wolfrand
Find more quotes here.      http://saintsquotes.net/Selection%20-%20Hell.html

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