Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Laicized Familia Christi priests in Ferrara helped Lega Salvini to win ? : Vatican decision ideological

 The priests of the religious community Familia Christi who have been laicized in the Archdiocese of Ferrara are  Riccardo Petroni, Matteo Riboli, Lorenzo Mazzetti di Pietralata, Emanuele Lonardi and Enrico D'Urso. They could have helped Mayor Alan Fabri of Salvini's Lega party which won the elections in this pro Masonic territory.
The priests have been removed by an Archbishop who interprets Vatican Council II and all magisterial documents with a false premise, inference and conclusion and there is no protest from the Mayor Alan Fabri or Salvini.   
The Lega criticized the intolerance directed at Liliana Segre, 1 supported by the Left but keeps silent when these Catholic priests are laicized when they will not accept Vatican Council II interpeted with a false premise, inference and conclusion.They are good traditionalists.
 Image result for Photo Alan Fabri and MAtteo Salvini
How can Salvini and Fabri  allow Archbishop Gian Carlo Perego and Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj to call themselves Catholic ?
 They are interpreting Vatican Council II by assuming LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc objective people saved outside the Church in 2020. Then they infer that LG 16 etc are objective exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus held by traditionalists.So they reject the dogma EENS.
This is Masonic and would be in keeping with the theological position of the secret societies in Ferrara.

"Archbishop Negri was never loved by the city's Left and has always been targeted in ferocious attacks (many times personal ones) for being a righteous, coherent, courageous and brave defender of the Tradition of the Church," wrote Cristiano Bendin, journalist for the local Ferrara section of newspaper Il Resto del Carlino. 
Negri publicly denounced Freemasonry, confronted the LGBT lobby, challenged Satanic sects in his archdiocese, painted the Arabic letter "nun" (the brand of shame sprayed by ISIS on Christian properties in Mosul) on the chancery's door, and condemned excessive solicitude for migrants when Italians in poverty were being neglected.
By nominating Perego as Negri's successor, Pope Francis "wanted to send a clear message to the diocese," Bendin remarked. Church Militant earlier reported on Perego's progressive credentials particularly underlining his pro-migration agenda. 
It was Negri, who had authorized and installed the Priestly Fraternity of the Familia Christi (FSFC) in the archdiocese of Ferrara-Comacchio on Sept. 8, 2016, on the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. "After a long time of careful verification and thorough preparation, not without the accompaniment of the competent ecclesiastical experts who were able to direct the steps of the nascent reality and its first members, the first canonical recognition arrived on June 4, 2014," Familia Christi's website states. 2

Was  the removal of the priests  Riccardo Petroni, Matteo Riboli, Lorenzo Mazzetti di Pietralata, Emanuele Lonardi and Enrico D'Urso political intolerance? Cardinal Ladaria and Archbishop Perego were forced to take this action by the Masons ? In Ferrara they even have a bridge named after Garibaldi.

Alan Fabri, who has ordered crucifixs to be placed in schools,  must ask the Archbishop of Ferrara-Commachio to affirm Vatican Council II without the irrational premise, inference and conclusion and then affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, like the traditionalists priests.
How can there be an archbishop in Ferarra who interprets Vatican Council II with an irrational premise and then rejects the traditional ecumenism of return and the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church? This is ideological and political. 
The decision against  Riccardo Petroni, Matteo Riboli, Lorenzo Mazzetti di Pietralata, Emanuele Lonardi and Enrico D'Urso would be biased and sectarian. It would be assumed that this decision had the approval of President Sergio Mattarella, Pope Francis, the Rabbis in Italy and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.
They have been intolerant of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, but now we know that Vatican Council II without the false premise, inference and conclusion supports the strict interpretation of EENS.
So they would even be intolerant of a Vatican Council II interpreted rationally by Catholics.
Alan Fabri and the Lega must affirm the dogma EENS in harmony with Vatican Council II interpreted without the false premise.Then they must ask the Archbishop and his Curia to do the same.
Otherwise it would seem that those who oppose Anti Semitism,  have been intolerant and Anti Catholic, against these Catholic priests.
The Archdiocese of Ferarra Commachio in their statement have not given any specific reasons for the removal of these good priests.

 for ideological reasons.-Lionel Andrades


March 4, 2020

Vatican kills Italian order of traditionalist priests  


 With this rational model, the  Vatican  would not be contradicting the Athanasius Creed.


Image result for Athanasius Creed pHOTO

'Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith. Which faith unless every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly...'
With this rational model they  would also not be contradicting the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX. 
-Lionel Andrades 


March 3, 2020


I tolerate people of other religions.It would be nice if they tolerate me, when I interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise, inference and conclusion (Graphics) 


March 3, 2020



March 3, 2020

People agree with me when I say that all the books on Vatican Council II, in general, have an error.They were written with a false premise, inference and conclusion.So the books by the Oxford University Press, Ignatius Press and Angelus Press, to name a few, have the same mistake.It is the same with the books on Vatican Council II published in German or Italian.Similarly all the talks given by Pope Francis and Pope Benedict in which they have referenced Vatican Council II , were in error.


March 3, 2020

Image result for Mike Pompeo and religious freedom photoImage result for Mike Pompeo and religious freedom photo

The Vatican State Curia needs to be cautioned and placed on the Human Rights Watch list of the U.S State Department.Now all cardinals, bishops, priests and nuns who hold Vatican passports are being forced to intepret Vatican Council II with the irrational premise, inference and conclusion.Otherwise there will be a change in their legal and religious status.They would be expelled by the Vatican Curia because of their Catholic religious beliefs.


March 3, 2020

Image result for Photo of Vatican Secretary of State and Mike Pompei

U.S State Department : Catholics must have the right not to interpret Church documents with a false premise, inference and conclusion and so be tolerated when they affirm Vatican Council II ( without the false premise), the Creeds and Catechisms( without the false premise), the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus( without the false premise), the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance(without the false premise) and Church documents and magisterial teachings interpreted without the false premise, inference and conclusion



March 2, 2020

 Image result for Photo Archbishops Giacomo MorandiImage result for Photo Archbishops Augustine di noiaImage result for Photo Mons Marco Gnarvi

Repost : Archbishops Giacomo Morandi and Archbishop Augustine Di Noia , Secretaries of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and Mons Marco Gnarvi, Diocesan Secretary for the Office of Inter religious Dialogue and Ecumenism, Rome Vicariate are in schism with the popes over the centuries . They use an irrational premise, inference and conclusion to create this schism.With this irrationality they have also changed the understanding of the Creeds and Catechism and this is heresy.


March 2, 2020

 Three of PISAI’s doctoral students presented their research on 13 February 2020 at an internal seminar for the PISAI academic community

Repost : The Profession of Faith made by Rev. Fr. Diego Sarrio Cucarella (President),Rev. Fr. Jason Welle OFM(Director of Studies ) and Rev. Fr. Francesco Baronchelli (Secretary) of PISAI is false.Since they abjure traditional and magisterial teachings and documents, with the use of a false premise, inference and conclusion.It is similar to the archbishops and cardinal at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith who follow the error


March 3, 2020


Do you want to know more about the Catholic Faith ? Know that in Heaven there are only Catholics ( Graphics )



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