Monday, March 2, 2020

Now the issue is not just EENS of the past centuries. Its Vatican Council II. The Council can be re-interpreted in harmony with the EENS of the centuries.

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Ann Barnhardt thinks Pope Francis is the real pope and not Pope Benedict  and she interprets Vatican Council II with the irrational graphic model creating heresy, just like the two popes.This  is not an issue for her and her donors.When I show on this blog how Pope Benedict was heretical in the Professio Fidei since he interpreted Vatican Council II, extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I)  irrationally, she has no comment.Since she does not want to affirm the rational model.It will take her out of the Lefbvrist camp and her donors may presently not understand her.
She simply has to use the rational graphic model and she returns to Tradition.But the problem is that the 'traditionalists' have rejected Tradition, with the irrational graphic model and they assist her. 
How can she ask Chris Ferrara and Michael Matt to admit that they were wrong on Vatican Council II these 55 years? How can she ask them to desert the SSPX and claim they are Feeneyites?
Now the issue is not just EENS of the past centuries. its Vatican Council II. The Council can be re-interpreted in harmony with the EENS of the centuries.
Ann can oppose Bruce Jenner and Islam. But how can she opppose the traditionalists ?-Lionel Andrades

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