Thursday, March 5, 2020

Peter and Michael Dimond at the Most Holy Family Monastery, USA interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and do not deny it : criticise the FSSP and the popes

E-Exchanges on various issues


Why is the FSSP not valid?

Denise Mallet

MHFM: The FSSP ‘priests’ are not truly Catholic.  They are heretics.  They accept the heresies of Vatican II.  They are under the Vatican II antipopes.  They think that the idolater John Paul II is a 'saint'.  They are in the Vatican II Sect, which is not the Catholic Church but the prophesied end-times Counter Church, as our material covers.  See these videos/files, for example:
They also use 'bishops' who were consecrated in Paul VI's invalid New Rite.  That's a problem.  The FSSP must be avoided.  Please consult more of our material.  It covers the true positions and explains what to do. (We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)

Lionel : Peter and Michael Dimond at the Most Holy Family Monastery, USA, interpret Vatican Council II with the irrational premise, inference and conclusion.Then they call the FSSP priests heretics. The FSSP priests also interpret the Council with the false premise, inference and conclusion.
This was how Pope John Paul II interpreted Vatican Council II and the Catechisms and Creeds.
I have mentioned all this quite a few times before and have also e-mailed it to the MHFM.
May be they do not understand what I write.
-Lionel Andrades

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