Sunday, March 1, 2020

Porn everywhere at Internet shops in Rome

Image result for photo internet shops
It is difficult to go into an Internet shop here without noticing that someone is addicted to porn. The owners of the shop, usually Bangladeshis, accept and permit it.Even the plains-clothes policemen , employed by the Government, cannot resist getting a quick view.Now when I am at the Internet, I have to push my chair close to the computer.
The other morning I looked at the weak face of an elderly man at an Internet shop near Termini.He was sitting adjacent to me.The demon had got him.He was completely controlled.He was a slave and was also trying to distract me.
Image result for photo internet shops
It's all a split-second thing. If I looked twice I would be brought down to the earthly, carnal level and then it would get stronger and I would be trapped there. I see so many youth addicted to porn at a shop at Cornelia.The owner is also a Bangladeshi, who needs to get on a porn site when he is free at the counter. He has a family and children.
When I am in the shop I cover my self with the blood of Jesus. I call upon the angels to remove the demons which have collected there.I protect myself and 'keep custody of my eyes'.

Pornography In Italy
The legal status of pornography itself is disputed in Italy. Technically, all production and distribution of pornography in the country is forbidden per Articles 528, 529, and 725 of the Italian Penal Code, which respectively sanction as felonies "Obscene publications and shows", "Obscene activities and objects", and "Commerce of publications, images or other objects offending public decency". In the 1980s, several courts in Italy enforced these laws, ordering confiscation of pornographic material in their jurisdictions.
At present, however, the enforcement of such laws is virtually non-existent. A new, more permissive interpretation of the law was introduced in the late 1980s as courts ruled that the Penal Code should be seen as protecting citizens' rights to not be exposed to such materials if and when they don't wish to be. Thus, pornography was not to be considered illegal per se, unless someone were to expose such materials to another against the latter's own will. Notwithstanding these rulings, a small number of towns in Italy have enacted municipal regulations banning sex shops within their boundaries...
Despite the recent trend toward legalization of porn, distribution of pornographic video materials is almost totally restricted to the home video market. Relevant laws #23 of 6 August 1990 and #203 of 30 May 1995 forbid the broadcast of hardcore pornography on free-to-air television channels, while such is legal on scrambled channels including digital terrestrial television and satellite television.
Access to these channels and networks, many of which are pay-per-view, requires a subscription and an IRD, which normally features a parental control function to restrict access to given channels. It remains legal to broadcast erotic/softcore movies, videos and infomercials on unencrypted TV channels from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.-Wikipedia
There are regular customers at the Cornelia shop who are there only to watch porn.I complained once about this to one of the young owners of the shop. He said he could not do anything.He disapproved of it.In Rome there are also adult shops.This is what happens when there is a separation of State and the Catholic Church.
For me there is a great joy in being outside the sexual realm.It is a peace which an old man and woman  would know. It is someting the young man and woman may not understand. I  have an eremitical life here with a minimum social contact. So consciousnes remains clear.I can easily be aware of Jesus, Our Lady and the saints, in the present moment. I of coure would lose all this if I allowed sexual images to enter my mind, It would be like dropping to a lower level of consciousness.-Lionel Andrades

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