Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Lega, as a Catholic political party must decide what is their policy on this issue. How will they interpret Vatican Council II so that there is no more doctrinal confusion in the Church which is politically motivated

The priests suppressed in Ferrara, Italy are being asked to search for a new bishop who would accept them. There are none in the areas where the political party Lega  won the last local and national elections.Since all the bishops there interpret  Vatican Council II irrationally and would expect all the priests to do the same.Only the Leftist liberal interpretation of Vatican Council II is accepted by the Italian bishops and cardinals.
Even the priests of the Society of the St. Pius X (SSPX) in Albano, Rimini etc choose the leftist version of Vatican Council II. It is the Lefbvrist leftist theology.
The difference is that Vatican Council II is accepted with Liberal Leftist Theology and is rejected by the SSPX with their same Lefebvrist Liberal Theology.Both groups use the irrational New Theology to interpret Vatican Council II.
The Lega parliamentarians could ask both groups to interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise, inference and conclusion.This would also be expected by the lay members of the Familia Christi in the Archdiocese of Ferrara-Commacchio.
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It must be noted that the late Archbishop Luigi Negri, former archbishop of Ferarara,  like the late Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, former archbishop of Bologna, also interpreted Vatican Council II with the irrational premise, inference and conclusion.The same mistake is being made by cardinals Burke and Brandmuller and Bishop Athanasius Schneider.
So the dismissed priests too would be going back to Tradition, like Biffi and Negri, but interpreting  Vatican Council II with the irrationality and then they would draw the ira of the Archbishop Peregro, the present archbishop of Ferrara and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
The Lega, as a Catholic political party must decide what is their policy on this issue. How will they interpret Vatican Council II so that there is no more doctrinal confusion in the Church which is politically motivated.-Lionel Andrades

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