Thursday, June 11, 2020

Catholic schools in Italy follow CDF error

The school term for this year has ended in Italy and once again Catholic students were not taught to interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise.It was the same at the pontifical unversities and seminaries here. Since the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise and inference to create a rupture with Catholic Tradition, the schools follow this policy in religion class.-Lionel Andrades

OCTOBER 2, 2015

Catholic schools in Italy not being allowed to teach the Catholic Faith

Immagine correlataLast month a protest demonstration was announced by the Catholic political organisation Forza Nuova, against gender theory. Also other Catholic organisations have been protesting against it being taught in schools.The same lobby which supports gender theory also supports homosexual unions, pornography, abortion and other things pro-Satan.
Satanic values are promoted as ' freedom of thought' rights, free thinking, liberty of beliefs and expression etc.
Immagine correlataImmagine correlata
But there is no liberty of expression and belief when Catholic students in religion classes, in Italy's schools, are not allowed to learn the Catholic Faith.Priests, nuns and lay school teachers are not allowed to teach it.
Catechism books are not allowed to state that Vatican Council II teaches that Catholics are the new people of God, the elect (Nostra Aetate), it is the one faith of God (UR 3) and all people need ' faith and baptism'(AG 7, LG 14) to avoid Hell.
According to Vatican Council II the Catholic understanding of Church, is one of having exclusive salvation, it is like the Ark of Noah, in which all need to enter to be saved from the Deluge.(CCC 845).
All this is not being taught to Catholic students in religion classes in schools. This is a  pro-Satanic policy.

Immagine correlataWhere are the Forza  Nuova, Militia Christi and Lega Nord protests against this?
The organisation Famiglia Domani, has conferences on gender theory, contraceptives, abortion etc but where is the conference on Catholic ecclesiology according to Vatican Council II ? This is a family catechesis  issue.
At the Jesuit Gregorian University, Rome they cannot teach the Catholic Faith to Catholics since they are threathened  with leftist Anti- Semitism and racist laws.This is part of the pro-Satan policy.
The media is 'free' to attack Catholic beliefs and teachings and the municipal libraries are 'free' to criticize the Church but the media and the libraries are not free to say Vatican Council II teaches that all need to convert into the Catholic Church to avoid Hell and that the Catholic religion is a continuation of the Jewish religion.The Mass is the Sacrifice which replaces the old sacrifice, the tabernacle is still there and houses the Eucharist with the Presence of God, like the ancient tabernacle with the Holy of Holies in a restricted section of the synagogue.The Old Testament too is taught to Catholics who are awaiting the coming  of the Messiah, a second time.Satan does not want all this to be known so it cannot be taught in a 'free society' .
No Catholic lay political or social organisation protests against this.May be they are not informed. They are not aware of these teachings of the Catholic Church. Or may be there is a threat by the pro-Satanic Left, which restricts freedom to evil things.
The Human Life International Rome  would protest against there being over 130,0000 abortions annually in Italy  but their new director Fr. Francesco Giordano  will not say Vatican Council II says all non Catholics need faith and baptism  for salvation and this should be taught to Catholic students in schools. He himself does not teach this in the  Ecclesiology course he teaches this semester at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome.
There is also a pro-Satan lobby within the Catholic Church which prevents this being taught in Catholic schools.
Immagine correlataCardinal Walter Kasper has said in an interview that just as ecclesiology has been changed the Church can change its teachings at this Months Synod , on the divorced and remarried being given the Eucharist.When he says ecclesiology has been changed, he means Vatican Council II does not say that Catholics are the new people of God,;the elect (NA) , all need faith and baptism for salvation(AG 7, LG 14).
Even though these statements are all there in Vatican Council II he will not proclaim it and not allow it to be taught at  Catholic universities, seminaries and schools.It would be contrary to the agenda of Satan and the Masons.
Dissenting cardinals will use Vatican Council II as a political slogan, like the non Catholic Left, even though the actual texts of Vatican Council II contradict them and this is unknown to Catholics from school to the university.
-Lionel Andrades



Catechists are teaching heresy with an irrationality in parish catechism class this week

There are the three columns of the Church which we follow as Catholics- Sacred Tradition, Sacred  Scripture and the Magisterium.The present Magisterium in its teachings of catechism has rejected all three columns.
So I find myself following Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition without the Magisterium of the past.In Catechism class this week I could teach that Catholics are the chosen people of God, they are the elect ( Nostra Aetate 4) and that outside the Church there is no salvation. All need to be formal members of the Church, with 'faith and baptism' ( AG 7, LG 14).This is not taught in catechism classes today.
The doctrine has been changed.
I find myself quoting Scripture and Tradition but being contradicted by the third pillar, the Magisterium.
20150405 viacrucisWorse still I am confronted by Magisterial heresy. This is accepted by Catholics in general, since they do not know theology and the present Magisterium does not dare, for various reasons, issue a correction.
So I am following Scripture and Tradition without the contemporary Magisterium but with the Magisterium of the past.
So when I say that Catholics are the new people of God , the elect I am citing Scripture and Tradition right up to Vatican Council II.
When I say all need to be card carrying members of the Church, all need to have their names on the parish baptism register to avoid Hell, I am citing Scripture and Tradition including Vatican Council II.
My position on Lumen Gentium 16 ( inculpable ignorance) is rational.
1. I cannot know or see those who are saved without the baptism of water and in invincible ignorance.So LG 16 does not contradict AG 7, LG 14 and NA 4.
2.I do not know of any case of someone who is an exception to all needing to convert into the Church with faith and baptism, in the present times nor will I know of any such case in the future. This is the experience of all other humans.
3. For me all who die in invincible ignorance and who are going to be saved will receive the baptism of water and Catholic Faith, in a manner known only to God. This was the teaching of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and other magisterial teachings in pre-1808 times,before the Baltitmore Catechism was issued.
4.The contradiction came into the Church in a big way in 1949 when the contemporary Magisterium believed there were known and seen exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.The baptism of desire was considered an exception to the Feeneyite version of the dogma.
So practically no one can contradict me. We cannot meet an LG 16 case on the streets saved outside the Church, I cannot know the name of such a person or where he lives. This would always be a hypothetical case and hypothetical cases cannot be defacto, explicit exceptions to the dogmtic teaching on salvation.They cannot be exceptions to the old ecclesiology.
To be saved one has to be a Roman Catholic, since Catholics are the chosen people, the people of the one true religion(UR 3) founded by Jesus Christ.Catholics who are living without mortal sin and are following the Gospel according to the 'perennial Magisterium' are in the Mystical Body of Christ.
You are either baptised with water in the Catholic Church or you are damned.This is Vatican Council II.Vatican Council II is Feeneyite.This is Scripture and Tradition with rational reasoning.
Instead in the Catechism being taught today, which is approved by the present Magisterium in heresy, they suggest that Lumen Gentium 16 refers to known cases in 2015 saved or going to be saved, without  the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.This is fantasy.Upon this irrationality the present Magisterium has built a new theology of salvation.
The present Magisterium also indicates that there were human beings in the past ( 1949, 1808) in the Catholic Church, who would know or see people saved in Heaven without 'faith and baptism'.This is irrational. We cannot see or know people in Heaven who are there without 'faith and baptism'. 
So when I teach Catechism I am citing the text of Vatican Council II and there are no irrational statements being made.I am in accord with the past Magisterium which is being condemned by the present irrational Magisterium.
I am not disobedient to the past Magisterium- the present Magisterium is.
I am not teaching any irrationality and calling it a 'new mystery'- the present Magisterium is.
According to Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14), the Jewish Left rabbis need to convert  into the Catholic Church to avoid Hell. I say this. The present Magisterium does not.
Neither do they teach this to children in catechism classes in the parishes.
So what I believe  is in accord with Scripture and Tradition ( interpreted over the centuries)   and it is magisterial, in the sense, that the magisterial teachings cannot change,they are always the same on doctrine.
It is the present Magisterium, which is not magisterial on doctrine and is a break with the past.It is heretical with an irrationality.They interpret Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents with an irrational premise and inference.
At Catechism classes heresy and irrationality is being taught today and this was approved by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine o the Faith.
The Jewish Left rabbis are not protesting against what is being taught in catechism this week in Catholic parishes.They are satisfied with the doctrine.No more are they protesting in front of the United Nations office.
While orthodox Catholics  are also not protesting  since they are not aware of the irrationality used to create the heresy; the magisterial heresy.
-Lionel Andrades

Catechism classes begin

Catholic schools in Italy not being allowed to teach the Catholic Faith

eucharistandmission: Catholic schools in Italy not being allowed to teach the Catholic Faith


Carlo Vischi


Direzione collana TrentaGourmet di Trenta Editore. Advisor di Follow me on instagram/carlovischi snapchat: carlovischi
 Iscritto a ottobre 2010



Can Archbishop Carlo Liberati teach this in his diocese?

Immagine correlata
Can Archbishop Carlo Liberati teach this in his diocese? 1

...there is no liberty of expression and belief when Catholic students in religion classes, in Italy's schools, are not allowed to learn the Catholic Faith.Priests, nuns and lay school teachers are not allowed to teach it.

Catechism books are not allowed to state that Vatican Council II teaches that Catholics are the new people of God, the elect (Nostra Aetate), it is the one faith of God (UR 3) and all people need ' faith and baptism'(AG 7, LG 14) to avoid Hell.
According to Vatican Council II the Catholic understanding of Church, is one of having exclusive salvation, it is like the Ark of Noah, in which all need to enter to be saved from the Deluge.(CCC 845).

The organisation Famiglia Domani, has conferences on gender theory, contraceptives, abortion etc but where is the conference on Catholic ecclesiology according to Vatican Council II ? This is a family catechesis issue.
All this is not being taught to Catholic students in religion classes in schools. This is a pro-Satanic policy. Pontida 150619113309 Where are the Forza Nuova, Militia Christi and Lega Nord protests against this?

The media is 'free' to attack Catholic beliefs and teachings and the municipal libraries are 'free' to criticize the Church but the media and the libraries are not free to say Vatican Council II teaches that all need to convert into the Catholic Church to avoid Hell and that the Catholic religion is a continuation of the Jewish religion.2

At the Jesuit Gregorian University, Rome they cannot teach the Catholic Faith to Catholics since they are threathened with leftist Anti- Semitism and racist laws.This is part of the pro-Satan policy.-Lionel Andrades





The Catholic Church officially teaches extra ecclesiam nulla salus (Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium 14 Vatican Council II) and so all legislation needs to be centered on Jesus, and the Social Kingship of Jesus there being no separation of Church and State according to  Catholic teaching. 


OCTOBER 1, 2015

Militia Christi and Forza Nuova are interpretating Vatican Council II with the pro-Left model

OVEMBER 25, 2014

The Council’s words are strong and forthright here, implicitly asserting the sovereignty of Christ over all nations, but we now seldom hear them quoted

OCTOBER 28, 2013

Catholics celebrate the feast of Christ the King

DECEMBER 23, 2012


USC Videos: Social Kingship of Christ in the U.S

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