Monday, June 22, 2020

Patricia Chadwick and the Jesuit magazine America, do not mention that Pope Pius XII, Archbishop Cushing and Boston College were interpreting EENS with a false premise and inference and Fr. Leonard Feeney, Sister Catherine and the professors dismissed by Boston College, including Patricia's father, were avoiding the false premise.It was not Catholic.

Patricia Chadwick and the Jesuit magazine  America, do not mention that Pope Pius XII, Archbishop Cushing and Boston College were interpreting EENS with a false premise and inference and Fr. Leonard Feeney, Sister Catherine and the professors dismissed by Boston College, including Patricia's father, were avoiding the false premise.It was not Catholic.
Similarly Pope Paul VI would use the same false premise to interpret Vatican Council II, when he could have avoided it. Today Pope Francis is faced with the same choice.He can interpret Vatican Council II and EENS, with or without the false premise.The Jesuits, in general today, interpret also the Creeds and Catechisms, with the false premise to create schism with the popes and Jesuits of the Middle Ages.
Fr. Leonard Feeney and Sr.Catherine were opposed by the Left ( which now dominate Boston) and they had to change their residence.Fr. Feeney's predictions about the Left and the future of Boston, have come true.
Cardinal Sean O'Malley, the present Archbishop of Boston, like Cardinal Richard Cushing, changes Catholic doctrine on salvation, to adapt to a corrupt soiety and protect his interests, property etc.
Cardinal Sean O'Malley knows that he uses a false premise to interpret the Vatican Council II and EENS. So it is Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) and EENS ( Cushingite) for him.
The Creeds and Catechisms are also Cushingite. This is the policy being followed by the Franciscans and the religious communities in Boston.-Lionel Andrades

JUNE 21, 2020

Jim Keane, Senior Editor, of the Jesuit magazine America calls St. Benedict Center, N.H schismatic based upon the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II by the Jesuits, Patricia Chadwick,CDF and the Diocese of Manchester, USA

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