Monday, June 22, 2020

Patricia Chadwick forces her unethical views upon Catholics

Old Greenwich woman details brutal childhood in Catholic cult ...
Patricia Chadwick interprets Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) with a false premise and this is unethical even by secular standards. She is accusing the St. Benedict Center,New Hampshire, USA as being schismatic.Since they do not do the same.
Her business and management interests support this value.
It is dishonest to use a false premise and inference, even after being informed Her fathe, a professor dismissed by Boston College avoided it.
The St. Benedict Center,N.H chooses not to use the false premise to interpret the Creeds, Catechisms, Vatican Council II and EENS.She criticizes them. She thinks Boston College was correct to dismiss her father ?
For Fr. Leonard Feeney and St. Catherine there were no literal cases of the baptism of desire etc.For Patricia there are! Otherwise she would be holding the Feeneyite position on EENS. If there were no literal cases of BOD, BOB and I.I for her she would be holding the 'rigid theological view' of her father.
It would be the same as the St. Benedict Center(SBC), New Hampshire.
So there are literal cases of the BOD, BOB and I.I for her, there are literal exceptions to the 'rigid theological view' of the SBC, in New Hampshire, whom she calls schismatics. 
Imagine consulting a management firm in Boston, whose director believes unknown people are known and visible.They are viisble.This is her reality.
The Chadwick's interpretation of Vatican Council II and EENS is not only unethical it is out of this world. How can there be literal exceptions to EENS in 2020 ? Who can see them in Heaven without faith and baptism ?
Hpw can a lady who holds management positions push such irrational and unethical views.
Why shold the 'schismatic',SBC community, say like Patricia Chadwick that they can see the dead, now in Heaven saved outside the Church. Dead man walking! Ghosts on earth! Run everyone.😊
Patricia Chdwick has been  a consultant to many. 
Before founding Ravengate partners, she served as chief investment strategist at Invesco (1997 – 1999), providing for the firm its official position and recommendations to clients on, not only the financial markets, but also where and how they fit into the U.S. and the global economy...
She served also as her firms’ public spokeswoman to a widespread, indeed global, television audience. She appears frequently on CNBC, and is a regular blog contributor to Her blogs can also be found on her website, She has a rare ability to ensure that her viewers come away with a more solid understanding of the investment environment and the economic issues influencing the markets.

She believes unknown cases of LG 8, UR 3,Na 2 etc in Vatican Council II, saved outside the Church, are personally known exceptions to EENS.She presumes there are 'known' non Catholics saved outside the Chrch.Ths is what she believes and any Catholic community who does not accept this theory, she considers 'schismatics'.
Sh suggests that those who hold this rigid theology, contradicted for her by Vatican Council II, interpreted irrationally, unethically, are schismatic etc.And the Catholic ecclesiastics,managing, th Church in New England support her!
For me the baptism of desire(BOD)refers to a hypothetical case. So it is not an exception to EENS. It never ever was an exception. The Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO) made a mistake. I cannot personally see or meet someone saved outside the Church with the BOD.
The norm for salvation in the Catholic Church is faith and baptism( AG 7, LG 14). When I meet a non Catholic I know that he or she needs Catholic faith with the baptism of water to avod Hell( for salvation). This is not just a personal view but the magisterial teaching of Vatican Council II, when interpreted rationally and not like the Chadwicks.
Patricia Chadwick implies she can meet and see someone saved outside the Church in 2020.This is not common knowledge or common sense.
Bad enoufh she holds this unethical view but she is forcing it upon Catholic communities and other Catholics.He biodata says :-
She began her financial-services career in 1972, worked at the Ford Foundation from 1976 to 1980, joining Citicorp Investment Management that year. In 1988, the group was sold to USF&G – and re-named Chancellor Capital Management. By 1991, Chancellor was an employee-owned asset-management business, where Ms. Chadwick managed six billion of dollars of client assets, including those of many of the largest and most well-known corporate pension funds, endowments and foundations. In 1995, Chancellor was acquired by Liechtenstein Global Trust, which was in turn acquired by Invesco in 1998. During these years, Ms. Chadwick herself was also ‘acquired’ by her company’s various owners, enlarging and diversifying her own professional responsibilities, culminating in the management of a $15 billion asset business. She retired at the end of 1999 as a Global Partner of Invesco.
And she believes invisible people are visible on earth !
-Lionel Andrades

JUNE 21, 2020

Jim Keane, Senior Editor, of the Jesuit magazine America calls St. Benedict Center, N.H schismatic based upon the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II by the Jesuits, Patricia Chadwick,CDF and the Diocese of Manchester, USA

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