Saturday, June 20, 2020

Patricia Chadwick's book Little Sister calls the St.Benedict Center, New Hamphire schismatics

The Jesuit publication America, has re-princted an article by Patricia Chadwick   
Old Greenwich woman details brutal childhood in Catholic cult ...

Father Feeney was dismissed by the Jesuits and excommunicated in 1953 after refusing to reply to a summons to the Vatican. Nor did I know that my father, a teacher at the Jesuit-run Boston College, had, along with two other professors, been fired in early 1949, when I was just 7 months old, because of their rigid theological views.

Lionel: Those 'rigid theological views' are expressed in Vatican Council II.They are those of the Council in Ad Gentes 7 (CCC 846 Outside the Church No Salvation). There are no exceptions mentioned in the Council-text  to extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) when Vatican Council II is interpreted rationally.
Patricia Chadwick like the Jesuit magazine America interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise to create a false rupture with the 'rigid theological view' of the professors who were dismissed by Boston College, including her father.
When she was young the Holy Office(CDF) and Pope Pius XII had wrongly assumed that  unknown cases of being saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire were known and objective exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). However this was the birth of the irrational New Theology which was accepted at Vatican Council II along with the mistake. Pope Benedict helped maintained the false narrative in the Church.

In the early 1970s, Father Feeney became reconciled with the Catholic Church, though he never recanted his views on extra ecclesiam nulla salus. The community of men became a Benedictine Abbey, while the women came under the auspices of the Diocese of Worcester. While some members formed a new schismatic community in New Hampshire, the Still River community is in full communion with the Catholic Church.

Lionel: How can she say that the community in New Hampshire is schismatic ?
Vatican Council II interpreted without the false premise does not contradict the popes over the centuries, on their 'rigid theological interpretation' of EENS. So the community at New Hampshire is not in schism with them. However Boston College and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) which use the same false premise to interpret Vatican Council II, as the author, are in schism with the popes before the 1930's on EENS.
Secondly the community at New Hampshire can affirm Vatican Council II without the false premise which would be in harmony with the rigid theological interpretation of EENS.So they do not have to deny Vatican Council II. 
They cannot be  in schism for rejecting Vatican Council II a charge levelled at other traditionalists.
So it is wrong to label the New Hampshire community as schismatics.They are not traditionalists who reject Vatican Council II (Feeneyite).
Thirdly the community at Worcester are in full communion with the Bishop of Worcester and the CDF since they interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise to create a rupture with 'the rigid traditional theological' interpretation of EENS, including that of Fr. Leonard Feeney.Brother Thomas Augustine MICM, Superior at the St.Benedict Center, Still River, has still not announced that the community affirms Vatican Council II (Feeneyite).The Council interpreted without the false premise.
Fourthly when they affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and EENS ( Feeneyite) they would not be liberals like the Jesuits who reject EENS ( Feeneyite) with Vatican Council II( Cushingite).
The St.Benedict Center N.H, USA affirm the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance as referring to invisible and hypothetical cases only.This is something obvious. It does not have to be explained.
All the popes over the centuries affirmed the strict interpretation of EENS along with hypothetical cases,unable to be objective exceptions to EENS.-Lionel Andrades

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